Teen Wolf: 10 Strongest Human Characters, Ranked | ScreenRant

Teen Wolf is filled to the brim with strong supernatural characters who are able to leap through the air and send enemies flying with their powers or just their sheer strength. Generally, humans are people that the show's supernatural heroes have to protect. However, it's made clear from the first episode that humans shouldn't be underestimated.

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Many of Teen Wolf's humans are incredibly strong and are able to win any fight that they get into. Their strength can come from their wit, their skills, or their sheer bravery. Either way, they don't need supernatural powers or emissary knowledge to be strong.

10 Melissa McCall

Melissa, Scott's mom, is more so the healer of the pack rather than a warrior. As a nurse, she isn't very interested in battles and often gets incapacitated whenever she is thrust into a dangerous situation. However, if it weren't for her resilience as a nurse, no easy job in any circumstances but especially in a town like Beacon Hills, then the pack would likely have died long ago.

Melissa does get some moments to fight enemies off, including when she attacks alphas Aidan and Ethan with a defibrillator to save her son. Furthermore, Melissa is a single mom to a werewolf, a role that takes a lot of mental and emotional strength.

9 Mason Hewitt

While he is a chimaera in season 5, Mason is human for most of the series. Mason is strong, but not the strongest. However, he is incredibly smart and acts as the pack's researcher. He is also brave, humorously charging a deadly and imposing berserker with a small bat in order to save his friends.

He is the only one who is able to see his boyfriend's camouflaged form, and no one knows how he is able to do this. It also seems like Mason is on the path to becoming an emissary, which shows just how intelligent he is regarding supernatural entities.

8 Coach Bobby Finstock

Coach doesn't really get involved in the main gang's fight against evil. However, the fact that he managed to survive the series' events over six seasons, all while coaching high-school lacrosse, is a feat in itself. Lacrosse games are often where life-threatening events take place, so Coach clearly has guts to go back to the field each time.

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He also helps Liam defend himself against hunters in season six, and even attacks another hunter with a lacrosse stick, which saves Jackson's life. Plus, he literally gets shot with an arrow in season 3 and manages to survive all while making hilarious jokes. That takes strength. 

7 Tamora Monroe

Tamora comes to the show fairly late in its final season, so viewers aren't really able to see just how strong she is. However, she becomes a power-hungry hunter in Teen Wolf and is Gerard Argent's protege, which hints at just how skilled and ruthless she can be.

She is able to infiltrate the school as a guidance counsellor and turns the whole of Beacon Hills against supernatural creatures, which no hunter had ever been able to do before. The fact that she doesn't actually have to fight but can manipulate others to fight for her, makes her a very strong and imposing threat.

6 Stiles Stilinksi

He is called "skinny" and "defenseless," but Stiles is wise beyond his years, and over the course of the series he is able to outsmart powerful creatures and hunters alike. He even outsmarts an immortal being of pure chaos that had been feeding on him for months.

Stiles was even able to physically fight off a wendigo, though it definitely wasn't easy for him. While he usually isn't great at fighting, that doesn't stop him from trying, as the baseball bat he often carries has practically become a part of his character. He's not afraid to fight for the pack despite his defenseless build, which arguably makes him stronger than the other supernatural beings in the pack.

5 Sherriff Noah Stilinksi

Sherriff Stilinksi is unaware of the supernatural for almost three seasons, so it is admirable that he is able to have survived the number of supernatural attacks that Beacon Hills faced. Furthermore, he often had to run into the fire in order to protect others, since he is the sherriff. He is skilled with a gun, and, like his son, he is great at both research and investigation.

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Despite his lack of skills in fighting the supernatural, Sheriff Stilinski is still able to help the pack defeat whatever evil is opposing them. His face-off against the Nogitsune and the Oni in season 3 showcases his strength brilliantly.

4 Allison Argent

Alison is more than just Scott's love interest. One of her main motivations is that she wants to be strong, and she succeeds in that regard. She goes from knowing very little about the supernatural in the first season to being the leader of the Argents in the third. She is skilled at archery, and later learns how to use daggers and other hunting equipment. She is also trained in gymnastics and martial arts.

She isn't quite the strongest human in the series because, while she is incredibly strong, she does get killed in a fight against the Oni. Still, she managed to save the lives of her friends with her sacrifice, so viewers cannot ignore her bravery.

3 Gerard Argent

Considering his old age, Gerard is incredibly strong. He is able to easily capture people and beats up Stiles, and is skilled enough with a sword to cut a werewolf in half. But more so than physical strength, Gerard is strong in just how frightening he is.

He can easily command a room, and is also a master manipulator, playing both the show's heroes and villains against each other for his own gain. This results in him gaining a kanima in season two, and taking over Beacon Hills in season 6. In the end, he is killed by werejaguar Kate, but the impression he leaves behind still remains.

2 Chris Argent

Chris Argent has been a hunter for all of his life, and thus has honed his skills in the use of multiple weapons. He is also smart, as he is able to use tactical manoeuvres to outwit his supernatural opponents, and through this, he has been able to fight off a multitude of creatures throughout the series.

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He is also strong in character, as despite being raised to hate all werewolves, he decides to question that belief, and becomes one of the show's main heroes in the process. Finally, Chris is the only known surviving member of the Argent family, which arguably makes him the strongest of all the modern-day Argents.

1 Marie-Jeanne Valet

Marie-Jeanne was the 18th-century progenitor of the Argent family. In flashbacks, she is shown to be an incredibly skilled hunter and leader. While Marie-Jeanne didn't have the weapons or the knowledge that the modern-day characters have, this in turn makes her the strongest character. She was able to defeat the Beast of Gévaudan, arguably the strongest villain in the entire show, by herself, with only a "simple spear."

What made the battle even tougher for her was that she was fighting against her own brother. But after gruelling years of work, she managed to defeat him, and thus became the symbol for hunters, and strong humans, everywhere.

NEXT: 8 Ways Aiden And Ethan Would've Been Better Teen Wolf Protagonists Than Scott

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