Cats: 10 Best Songs In The Musical, Ranked | ScreenRant

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few months, you're probably familiar with Cats by now. And no, we don't mean the little balls of fur that run around the house and ruin your sofa. We're talking about the movie that just recently hit the big screen, based upon the timeless classic that was Andrew Lloyd Webber's stage musical. When the first trailer hit the Internet, a wave of backlash soon followed, heavily criticizing the CGI choices made for the film.

Related: 10 Savage Tweets About The New CGI Cats Movie

Even the all-star cast, that included powerhouses such as Taylor Swift, Idris Elba, Jason Derulo, and Judi Dench, couldn't save the trailer from intense criticism. But now that the movie is out, audiences can watch it and judge for themselves. One of the most important parts of Cats is, of course, the songs. While most of the soundtrack remained quite faithful to the original, some additions and changes were made. So, let's take a look at the ten best songs in the movie, ranked!

10 The Old Gumbie Cat

From what we hear so far, Rebel Wilson didn't seem to get much praise for her performance in the movie, mostly because it gave off the impression that the filmmakers were desperately trying to make her funny. However, acting aside, Wilson's moment in the sun comes in the form of "The Old Gumbie Cat".

The duet includes Robbie Fairchild's voice, and it remains quite faithful to the original. It's a pretty nice mixture of slow and fast, fun and insightful. Rebel's vocals aren't phenomenal, but that doesn't take away from her merits since it fits the character extremely well.

9 Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town

James Corden had some pretty big shoes to fill when the time came for him to perform "Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town". But Corden is a performer, and his nack for comedy certainly helped bring the character to life.

Look, he's obviously not a singer at heart. But he delivers much better than anyone was expecting, and the song ends up coming off as incredibly entertaining. Although it lacks the emotional vibe provided by other songs in the movie, that's okay - because that's not what Bustofer Jones is about.

8 Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat

We dare you to fight the urge to dance and march around the house once you hear the first few notes of "Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat". The track includes Steven McRae and Robbie Fairchild as the main vocals, and it's an absolute delight of a song.

The added sound effects of the trains make this for a true experience, from beginning to end. It's such a high-energy song, with lighter moments in between, that just leaves you feeling happy. It's not a spectacle, and it doesn't tug at the heartstrings, but it's a lovely melody nonetheless.

7 Mr. Mistofelees

This new version of Cats made a bold move when it decided to have Mr. Mistofelees sing his own song. However, this was a gamble that definitely paid off! Laurie Davidson is one of the greatest surprises to come out of the movie, and it was a smart choice to give his voice this moment in the spotlight.

Related: 10 Cat-Themed Movies To Watch Instead Of Cats (2019)

Much like the previous song, "Mr. Mistofelees" is a feel-good, happy song that gets you tapping your feet and singing along every time the chorus goes "And they all say, oh, well, never was there ever..". It has all the magical and showbiz elements a song like this deserves.

6 Old Deuteronomy

What a lovely melody! It just melts in your hear from beginning to end, just like it did in the original stage version. Robbie Fairchild simply shines here, and if you had tears in your eyes listening to it for the first time, then don't worry - you're most definitely not alone!

A song about an entire lifetime is bound to make us feel emotional, and when the entire chorus sings along, we honestly get shivers. Such a pure, beautiful song, that truly encompasses everything we loved about the original musical. Kudos to everyone involved.

5 Beautiful Ghosts (Victoria's Song)

Beautiful Ghosts is a brand new song, written for the movie, and non-existent in Andrew Lloyd Webber's version. But much like the decision of having Mr. Mistofelees sing his own song, adding an original track to the movie was a smart move, mostly because it's such a beautiful piece of art.

Francesca Hayward truly is a star, and hopefully, audiences will give her a chance, even if the CGI isn't to their liking. The melody is soft enough to make our minds wander, but not so much that we end up in a pool of tears. It truly adds body and life to an already incredible story, and it deserves the Golden Globe nomination it got.

4 Macavity

We're not exactly sure what the public as a whole was expecting from Taylor Swift as far as her performance in the movie goes, but boy, did she deliver! The song in itself is already worthy of becoming a Top 40 hit, with its curious mix of jazz and rock and roll, but Swift's performance just knocks it out of the park.

Related: Cats: 5 Reasons We're Excited For The Movie Musical (& 5 Why We're Terrified)

It's dark, sensual, and addictive - all the elements that make for a spectacular track. Even though the song is no longer performed as a hit, we're willing to go as far as to say that, in this case, that's a good thing. Taylor carries the tune from beginning to end with a power one can only expect from an international music superstar.

3 Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats

If you don't consider "Overture", "Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats" is the first song we hear in Cats. And it's quite the important one - it sets the tone for the entire movie, and introduces the audience to the world of the mysterious Jellicle cats. The cast definitely delivered on this one.

It's almost impossible to distinguish between this version and the original one - it retains the required spirit and emotion, and it shows the audience they are in for one wild ride!

2 The Rum Tum Tiger

Say what you want about Jason Derulo's CGI, this song was an absolute bop. Easily the most entertaining song from the entire movie, "The Rum Tum Tiger" makes you want to laugh and dance in your underwear around the living room all at once.

Derulo was made to play the part of the sexy cat on the block, and his vocals are to die for. Somehow, the entire thing makes us think about Prince in his prime - it's just that good!

1 Memory

Was there any other possible choice for the number one spot on this list? We couldn't be happier about the fact that they kept the original lyrics and melody. Because "Memory" isn't just the most hauntingly beautiful song in the movie - it's one of the most stunning songs ever made, period.

Jennifer Hudson kills it with every note, every sigh, every word. If you think you won't cry, you're probably wrong. What a spectacular moment, and what a blessing that Cats will re-introduce "Memory" to the world!

Next: 10 Broadway Musicals We Want to See on the Big Screen More Than Cats

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