10 Horror Movie Villains You Can’t Help But Root For

Though more than a few of us are ashamed to admit it, we love our villains. We thrill for masked maniacs and maniacal madmen in a number of mediums and genres, and no realm is more saturated in villainy than the horror genre. Though we're supposed to root for the final girl or survivors, there are some villains we just adore.

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From our basic boogeymen to our supernatural avengers, there are just some villains we can't bring ourselves to despise. Whether we're charmed by their intelligence and charisma, or we just love seeing them bring the pain, here are our ten horror villains we can't help but root for.

10 Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)

It's been said that watching the Friday the 13th series is like watching a Godzilla movie, you're just there to witness the wanton destruction at the hands of an iconic character. Though hardcore horror hounds might disagree on the matter, the series does tend to get a little formulaic after a while, don't you agree?

A group of teens, usually on pot or alcohol, go rooting around where they shouldn't and soon enough have a run-in with this hockey-masked maniac and his collection of various sharp objects, rinse and repeat. That being said, it still makes for a great old-school slash fest.

9 Pennywise (It (Original))

We're not ashamed to admit it, but the main reason Pennywise gets a spot on our list is for Tim Curry's incredible performance. Yes, we're well aware that Pennywise is a cosmic horror who feasts on the souls of children, but Curry's over-the-top nature and delivery make him the highlight of the movie.

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Though Bill Skarsgard gives quite a unique take to the character, the original is just a little bit more likable than his lazy-eyed counterpart. Even if he's pulling himself out of a shower drain, we can't help but laugh at his corny jokes and antics, silly stop-motion spider or not.

8 The Organization (Cabin in the Woods)

This film might have zombies, evil clowns, mermen, and monsters galore, but the true villains of Joss Wheadon's Cabin in the Woods are the supernatural organization dedicating to appeasing the Ancient Ones that demand a gruesome and glorious blood sacrifice, much like some horror movie critics.

We're not saying what they do is justified, killing a group of hapless teens and betting on which monster munches them and all, but they are trying to save the world. In their own twisted way, the organization is doing what's best for the planet. After all, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one, right?

7 Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal Series)

For the sake of discussion, we're mainly focusing on the feature film series rather than the TV show. That being said, Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter is an ingenious and infectious character that definitely wins us over every time, more than likely due to the hypnotic talents of Anthony Hopkins.

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For someone with barely over fifteen minutes of screentime in his first appearance, Lecter has us and Agent Starling under his spell in no time at all. How soon we forget about his disturbingly carnivorous habits when we're locked in a game of wits... or dinner plans.

6 Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula)

Honestly, we were on the fence about giving this spot to either Lugosi, Lee, or Oldman, but when it comes down to the most entertaining and likable incarnation of Count Dracula, we had to give it to Oldman. Lugosi had the charm, Lee had the presence, but the more book-faithful version had the most heart.

While it's true that Coppola's adaptation of Dracula was heavily romanticized, it's titular lead was as infectious as a vampire's bite. His elegance, grace, and chilling laughter have us ensnared in his charm every single time we put this flick on. This count gives new meaning to ghoulish delight.

5 Lestat (Interview with the Vampire)

Speaking of vampires that positively ooze charisma and charm, you can never go wrong with Anne Rice's Lestat from Interview With the Vampire. Who knew Tom Cruise would make such a wonderful creature of the night. Lestat is one of the few vampires in our book who can be both beguiling and beastly at the same time.

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While it's true that Lestat relies a great deal on his looks to charm his victims, underneath that pretty face is a bloodthirsty monster that isn't afraid to show his teeth. At the end of the day, Lestat isn't some sparkling tortured soul, but a stone-cold predator. And we love him for it.

4 The Outcasts (The Final)

If you've not seen The Final, you're truly missing out on one of the most underrated thrillers ever filmed. The villains in question are a group of bullying victims labeled as The Outcasts who finally have their revenge on their high school tormentors for their years of abuse.

Though the Outcasts might not be the most likely of antiheroes, we can't say we don't sympathize with them. Rarely do you ever see bullies get their comeuppance to this extreme. It's also quite refreshing to see nerd and victimized characters have the upper hand and actually come across as a threat.

3 Gremlins (Gremlins)

Yes, we're all very well-aware that Gizmo is one of the most adorable critters to come out of the '80s. That being said, we'd be lying if we said there wasn't something about Stripe and his legion of tiny terrors that didn't make us smile. After all, who doesn't have a soft spot for little green monsters?

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One important thing to remember is that Gremlins is a horror-comedy, so there's definitely more mischief than malice with these ankle-biters. However, that doesn't mean these scaly creeps are harmless. Just ask the good folks of Kingston Falls how they feel after an encounter with these guys.

2 Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)

He's the ghost with the most, the Neitherworld's only grade-A bio-exorcist, and he knows how to throw a house party. He's Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! Much like Stripe and his gang of gremlins, Beetlejuice isn't really out to cause murder and malice, he just wants to cause a little trouble for the Deetz family.

Though he's more fun than frightening, Beetlejuice isn't exactly the friendliest ghost in the spirit realm, especially when he sets his sights on Lydia. He can be crude, creepy, and crazed, but that doesn't mean he isn't the life of the afterlife. At least he's better than a sandworm in the kitchen, right?

1 Predator (Predator)

There are a lot of alien species out there who want to exterminate the human race, but at least the Predator gives his prey a sporting chance. With his mask, fiendish laugh, and arsenal of bladed weaponry, few creatures or characters are as fun to watch as the Predator.

Whether he's squaring off against Arnold Schwartzenegger or the Xenomorph, we can't get enough of this guy on any planet. Yes, we know he's the bad guy and wants nothing more than a skull to put on a shelf in his spaceship, but when you're watching commandos go up against the ultimate hunter, it's hard not to get sucked in.

NEXT: 10 Scariest ’80s Horror Movie Monsters, Ranked

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