The Witcher Meets Final Fantasy: 10 Similarities Between Cloud and Geralt

Both Final Fantasy 7 and The Witcher 3 are critically acclaimed video games for their rich stories, fun gameplay, and unforgettable cast of characters. But part of their success stems from the fact that their playable protagonists, Cloud Strife and Geralt of Rivia, share a lot of characteristics that make them so lovable.

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They may not seem like they have a lot in common...  But they're actually so similar, they could very well be distantly related - and here are ten reasons why.

10 Underwent Changes

Cloud was a SOLDIER, and Geralt is a Witcher, both being professions that require normal people to undergo certain procedures that essentially turn them into mutants. The former wasn't born with blue-green eyes, and the latter certainly wasn't born white-haired with golden eyes; these characteristics are a result of their mutations.

Beyond the physical elements, however, their abilities are augmented because of their mutations as well, in particular when it comes to fighting.

9 All About The Money

Although their reasons may differ, both men are seemingly only motivated by monetary gain. They lead unstructured lives, in the sense that their security in life depends on how many jobs they can get done, and how much they get paid for these jobs.

While others might seek connection from the people they meet, Cloud and Geralt are just trying to make a living by going from place to place and earning as much as they can for their services.

8 Politically Neutral(ish)

More so than SOLDIERS, Witchers are known to be removed from politics and just go where the money is. However, Cloud is an ex-SOLDIER, and he has a lot of beef with Shinra, so he and Geralt are more or less on the same page with this.

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That said, both heroes are not without their own morals or standards, and those shine through in the moments that count - such as saving Ciri and stopping Sephiroth. But for the most part, they just cannot be bothered.

7 Grumpy With Hearts Of Gold

Neither Cloud nor Geralt are known for their sunny dispositions, with their friends often commenting on how morose and uninteresting they seem for it. Their lives have been difficult, so they're more than a little predisposed towards having a sour attitude at all times.

That said, grumpiness and kindness are not mutually exclusive, and these boys can be pretty altruistic when they want to be. Geralt is incredibly good with kids, while Cloud shows his soft side to anyone who gives him a chance. Overall, they're good men.

6 Dry Wit

Just because they're grumpy doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humor! The worlds they live in can be pretty ridiculous and cumbersome to deal with, and being essentially mercenaries, Cloud and Geralt often have to deal with the worst of the worst. So, to cope, they've developed pretty dry senses of humor.

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This humor keeps them from being blandly edgy protagonists and makes them feel more human. Sometimes, they don't even mean to be funny, but they just come off that way - especially since Geralt has such big dad energy, and Cloud is so socially awkward.

5 Popular With The Ladies

It seems our heroes just can't help it: no matter where they go, women tend to fawn over them. In both games, ladies often comment on their looks, and most tend to be pretty intrigued by their mysterious ways. Very intrigued.

That said, Geralt is definitely more receptive than Cloud, who doesn't seem to know what to do with all the attention he gets. The younger man could probably benefit from some help from the Witcher, who's fairly seasoned in matters of the heart.

4 A Tale Of Two Hearts

Speaking of matters of the heart, both men have the same predicament: they are torn between two amazing women who love them. Geralt has to choose between his longtime lover, the serious Yennefer, and the passionate Triss. Meanwhile, Cloud must choose whether to return the affections of childhood friend Tifa, or newfound spark Aerith.

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Alternatively, both men have an option not to choose at all, and just enjoy their bromances instead. Geralt has Dandelion, and Cloud has Barret - both of whom are excellent options and not to be overlooked!

3 Found Families

As mentioned earlier, Cloud and Geralt have had difficult lives, as well as very lonely ones. Both lost their families at a young age and have endured terrible hardships ever since. Luckily, their travels have brought them to a point where the people they've met have become their new (and hopefully permanent) families.

This is most evident in Geralt's case, as shown in the game's 10th anniversary video and in the official books. But Cloud has fostered some pretty amazing connections too, the likes of which are shown to continue after the events of FF7 in various spin-off games and movies.

2 Incredible Journeys

Regardless of how hard their lives have been, they've both traveled to pretty incredible places, from the center of the earth to another dimension entirely. Most of the time, this wasn't even by their design - fate just brought them to wherever they needed to be.

And even if, at times, their adventures were out of their control, they were forever shaped by their experiences in ways that they overall seem to appreciate. Geralt likes having stories to share with strangers, and Cloud wants to feel like his journey was meaningful.

1 Vacation Please?

That being said, it cannot be denied that the guys deserve a break after all they've been through. They've had to fight dragons, high-tech soldiers, sorcerers, and one-winged angels - Cloud and Geralt have seen it all, and even if it's been a spectacular ride, they've most likely had enough.

Thankfully, Geralt gets his big break by the end of Witcher 3 in the Blood and Wine DLC, where he retires in a vineyard in Toussaint with the companion of his choice. Hopefully, the remake of FF7 will grant Cloud such a bucolic ending - or, at the very least, another nice hand massage.

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