Joaquin Phoenix's Joker Reveal Praised By Batman Comic Writer

Todd Phillips’ upcoming Joker movie finally showed Joaquin Phoenix's Clown Prince of Crime in full clown makeup, and comic book writer Scott Snyder is ultimately praising the reveal. Joker will help to launch DC’s new banner and, as such, will not be a part of the ongoing DC movie universe that follows the Justice League characters.

Although rumors of the film were circulating for a while, it has recently come together rather quickly, with a release date set for next October. Phoenix will play Arthur Fleck, which is Joker’s real name in the movie. Robert De Niro is portraying a talk show host and Marc Maron will act as his producer. Brett Cullen has been cast in the part of Thomas Wayne, a role that was originally given to Alec Baldwin. Rounding out the cast are Zazie Beetz and Frances Conroy. Recently, the movie’s potential logo surfaced, as well as some test footage of Phoenix as the Clown Prince of Crime.

Related: Joaquin Phoenix's Joker Reveal Is Incredible (& So Much Better Than Leto's)

Batman writer Scott Snyder took to Twitter to praise this potentially "visionary" take on the classic Batman villain. As with any such reveal, the image has spawned debate among fans, but Snyder is completely on board. In the wake of the New 52, DC’s radical 2011 relaunch of its entire comic line, Snyder has become one of the most beloved and important Batman scribes, shaping the Caped Crusader for a new generation of readers. His name is now often mentioned in the same breadth as Frank Miller, Jeph Loeb, and Grant Morrison, all of whom have crafted character defining arcs for the Dark Knight.

With no less than six potential Joker films currently in the works, many questioned whether or not this Joker movie was actually necessary. The character has already been defined by the performances of several incredible actors. When Heath Ledger was cast in the role, many balked, feeling that he could never compete with Jack Nicholson’s iconic performance. By this point, though, it’s difficult to remember a time when Ledger’s take wasn’t revered as the character’s best live-action adaptation. Although Jared Leto is an undeniably talented actor, his portrayal of the Joker was divisive, to say the least. However, the actor did make the role his own. Snyder is dead on that "playing it safe" is never the right approach for this character. If this footage is any indication, Phoenix's Joker is shaping up to be different than everything that audiences have seen before.

The talent already on board this project, both behind-the-scenes and in front of the camera, has peaked the interest of many viewers. A lot of the hype comes down to Phoenix himself. The actor has demonstrated his impressive skills in films such as Walk the Line, The Master, and Her. Fans may question the need of another Joker movie, but there is also irrefutable excitement over Phoenix’s casting, as well there should be. More than just his new look (which itself may not be final), the test footage teased Arthur’s descent into madness. Phoenix gets this across with precious little screen time. Viewers have only seen a tiny glimpse of Phoenix's version of the Clown Prince of Crime, but it’s enough to show that Joker is on the right track.

More: Joker Set Photos Reveal A Killing Joke Connection

Source: Scott Snyder

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