Mulan Remake Reportedly Features Classic Songs, Brings Back Mushu

Disney's live-action Mulan will reportedly feature classic songs and Mushu. The Mouse House is quickly running through their animated library again by remaking them in a live-action setting. They've made billions doing it so far, and are hoping for more of the same when it comes to Mulan. The upcoming movie is directed by Niki Caro (McFarland USA), and Disney's made it a priority to to cast appropriately. They brought Chinese star Liu Yifei aboard the project to play the lead character.

Unlike some of the other Disney live-action films, Mulan may not be sticking as close to the animated source material. Gong Li is playing a brand new villain, and she isn't the only new character included. Donnie Yen plays a mentor role, and they're also changing the love-interest. One of the other major questions surrounding the film was whether or not Mulan would feature songs.

Related: Live-Action Mulan Starts Production, First Image Released

Disney Insider shared some new information on Mulan that should please fans of the animated film. According to the site, Mulan will indeed feature some of the classic songs. It isn't yet clear what songs exactly will be included. Not only will the movie bring back some of the music, but it is also reportedly going to feature Mushu, the spirit dragon of the Fa family.

There are quite a few standout songs from the 1998 animated Mulan that Caro's new version could include. "Reflection," "Honor to Us All," "I'll Make a Man Out of You," and "A Girl With Fighting For" will all be candidates for the feature film. Caro previously wasn't sure what role music would play in Mulan, though, so it will be interesting to see how exactly some of these could appear. Beauty and The Beast was a full on musical, but Mulan could look to mirror The Jungle Book's approach and just briefly include - or make reference to - the songs and their tunes.

Including Mushu is another piece of exciting news, but also isn't clear how heavily he'll be involved. Mushu accompanied Mulan on her entire journey in the animated movie. Originally voiced by Eddie Murphy, there is no word on who will voice character in the live-action adaptation. Whether or not Murphy returns remains to be seen, but, hopefully, Disney at least considered him. That said, with an all-Asian cast right now, they could look to find another major star to make this role their own. However, Mushu's involvement isn't confirmed by Disney just yet, so it may not be until a voice is found that Mulan's cast officially becomes complete.

More: Everything We Know About the Live-Action Mulan Remake

Source: Disney Insider

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