Sleepy Hollow star Janina Gavankar has been cast alongside Ben Affleck in the upcoming sports drama Torrance. Previously known as The Has-Been, the project sees Affleck reunite with his Accountant director Gavin O'Connor as a former basketball star struggling with addiction. Looking to get his life back on track, Affleck's character agrees to become the head coach at his old high school and attempts to turn the losing program around.
At one point, O'Connor was pegged by Warner Bros. to helm Suicide Squad 2, but he left that project when the studio opted to prioritize Birds of Prey. That opened up his schedule considerably, allowing him to move forward with Torrance. The plan is for the film to begin production in the very near future (some point this month, according to the reports), so rounding out the supporting cast is a priority for O'Connor. Now, he's cast an important role.
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According to Deadline, Gavankar will portray Affleck's ex-wife in Torrance. While it's unknown exactly how much screen time she'll have, Gavankar's character should be a key presence in the film's narrative. Deadline notes Affleck "lost his wife and family foundation" because of his troubles, so the falling-out between the two inspires Affleck to change things for the better.
Gavankar's résumé is wide-ranging. Most viewers will know her for her roles on Arrow, Sleepy Hollow, and Star Wars: Battlefront II, but she's picked up a variety of gigs throughout her career. Gavanakar's appeared in everything from TV comedies (The League) to indie films (Blindspotting), so she should be able to bring something interesting to her Torrance role. Hopefully Gavankar has excellent chemistry with Affleck, as it sounds like their characters' relationship will be a notable aspect of the movie's emotional core. O'Connor pulled the right strings when he paired Affleck with Anna Kendrick for The Accountant, so ideally his eye for casting remains strong.
It's hard not to separate Affleck's recent personal troubles (he just completed a rehab stint) from his Torrance role, so this is shaping up to be quite an interesting choice for the actor as he enters the post-Batman phase of his career. There's the potential here for a raw, emotional performance that draws from Affleck's past experiences. He did some of his best work under O'Connor's direction on The Accountant (whatever the film's faults, Affleck's turn was a highlight), so fingers crossed the two are able to strike twice and craft another compelling character. All in all, Torrance is one of the most fascinating non-franchise offerings on the horizon.
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Source: Deadline
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