Harry Potter: 10 Times Crookshanks Was The Best Pet | ScreenRant

On the surface, Crookshanks is just like any other kitty. He likes to curl up on his favorite chair or sleep in someone's lap, eat spiders, run after gnomes in the Weasley garden, chase rats in their animagus form... Huh, maybe Crookshanks isn't a typical cat after all? There is definitely more to him than meets the eye. In fact, he's actually pretty magical. Being half-kneazle, Hermione Granger's ginger pet is a very intelligent and suspicious creature. That is why he's been a precious companion to her and, occasionally, very helpful to her friends.

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Though, unfortunately for him, Crookshanks is a completely underrated character in the Harry Potter series. Especially if we keep in mind his undeniable faithfulness to golden-hearted witches and wizards. Because of that, we couldn't allow his loyal deeds to go unnoticed, so we made a list of the top 10 moments when Crookshanks proved himself to be the best pet a witch could ask for. Enjoy!

10 He chose Hermione

Crookshanks had spent a long time in the Magical Menagerie, waiting for someone worthy to adopt him. For some reason, no one wanted a ginger half-kneazle kitty. Or, maybe we should emphasize, Crookshanks didn't like any of his potential buyers.

Eventually, in August 1993, one particularly precocious young witch came to Diagon Alley to buy herself a pet. You see, it was the beginning of her third year at Hogwarts and she wished for a loyal familiar as a birthday present. Little did Hermione Granger know what a valuable companion Crookshanks would turn out to be. But in fact, it was Crookshanks who chose her.

9 He detected that Scabbers was no rat

Unquestionably, Crookshanks deserves every delicious treat that exists in the Harry Potter universe for recognizing Scabbers’ true nature. In fact, he was the only one who perceived that Ron’s pet rat was actually the deceitful Peter Pettigrew in his animagus form. That explains why Crookshanks always rushed after Scabbers - to distance him from Harry and his friends.

Without Crookshanks, Scabbers’ secret identity probably would have never been revealed - at the right time, at least. And, among other things, this means that Voldemort would definitely have a much easier access to Harry. Just imagine what horrible things might have happened because of that!

8 He stole passwords to help Sirius

Besides Hermione, Crookshanks was loyal to only one other pure-blood wizard - Sirius Black. This ginger cat met Sirius on the Hogwarts territory one day during the 1994 school year. More precisely, he befriended Padfoot (or Snuffles), who turned out to be Sirius in animagus form.

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Crookshanks instantly trusted him and stole the list of passwords into Gryffindor Tower from the forgetful Neville Longbottom. That allowed Sirius to chase Scabbers himself. Much to his regret, Peter Pettigrew had already disappeared and was hiding in Hagrid’s hut.

7 He prevented Harry and Hermione getting hurt by the Whomping Willow

With time, Sirius finally captured Scabbers... Well, actually, he abducted Ron carrying his "adored" pet and pulled them through the tunnel under the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack. Crookshanks then tempted Harry and Hermione to prevent them from getting hit by the Willow's long branches. He even he revealed to them that they can "freeze" the tree by pressing a knot on the bark, located at its base.

Not only did Crookshanks save Hermione and her friends from the branches, but he also led them, safe and sound, to the hidden passage under the Willow into the "haunted" Shrieking Shack.

6 He saved Sirius’ life

Throughout the fight in the Shack, Crookshanks tried to protect Sirius from Harry several times. He aimed to take Harry's wand and then bravely attacked him, to no avail. Then, ultimately, Crookshanks jumped on Sirius' chest attempting to defend him from Harry's death hex.

That gesture made Harry hesitate, giving Professor Remus Lupin enough time to come to the scene and save the day (actually, we mean Sirius’ life). Apparently, Crookshanks' actions were crucial to the unfolding of events that would eventually lead to Sirius' saving Harry's life in the Battle of the Department of Mystery.

5 He guided everyone home safely

You already learned that Crookshanks is half-kneazle - a hybrid cross between cat and a magical creature. However, beside his intelligence and aggression towards disbelieving individuals, he can also be relied upon to remove their owner from harm's way and lead them to safety.

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This is exactly what happened after the events at the Shrieking Shack. You see, after Crookshanks aided Hermione and her best friends through the incident, he also led them back safely to the Hogwarts castle. Apparently, not only does he resemble a lion but his fearlessness in protecting those whom he trusts make him highly akin to one.

4 He confirmed Pigwidgeon was not an animagus

It wasn't long before Crookshanks became favored by Harry and the Weasleys ...specifically Ron who mostly hated him due to his attacks on Scabbers. Nevertheless, he eventually accepted him, even letting him sniff Pigwidgeon - the owl that Sirius sent to Ron as a gift - to make sure it's not an animagus, and Crookshanks purred in approval.

It seems that Crookshanks became more affectionate towards others as well. For example, he enjoyed spending time with Ginny, which included following her around, playing, and cuddling with her while Hermione was busy saving the world. After all, he was loyal to Hermione, and we can only assume he knew exactly how much her friends mean to her, so he protected them.

3 He delivered the order for the Firebolt

The public knows Sirius as a deranged criminal, but we know him as Harry's kind and generous godfather. Do you remember when he anonymously sent the Firebolt broom to "the boy who lived" for his thirteen birthday in the Prisoner of Azkaban? Well, it turns out that Crookshanks was involved in that, too.

Apparently, Sirius wrote a letter which Crookshanks took and delivered to the Owl Post Office. Goblins then took the gold from Sirius' vault to pay for Harry Potter's future first-class broomstick.

2 He kept the children from hearing what they shouldn't

We first see Fred and George's unique eavesdropping device, the extendable ears, in the Order of the Phoenix. This magical "gadget" is actually a long piece of string with a human-looking ear at its end. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and the twins used it to try to listen in on the Order's meeting. But just when they were about to hear some classified information, Crookshanks entered the scene, knocking one of the extendable ears off the string. Bad Crookshanks!

Well, he just acted like any other playful cat. Still, as it turns out, he actually prevented Harry from hearing confidential information about Voldemort that he wasn't supposed to hear yet.

1 He disapproved of cheating

Considering his actions, one could say that Crookshanks has a strong moral sense. For example, when Harry and Ron were making up predictions for their divination homework, Crookshanks was there watching them, judging.

Apparently, he doesn't only have a sixth sense about good and evil, but also recognizes and despises cheating. Remind you of anyone else? Yes, this is exactly what Hermione's cat should be like: intelligent and cunning, but above all, loyal to her and protective of her friends, even when they make mistakes.

NEXT: Harry Potter: The Family History of the Dumbledores

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