Big Bang Theory: 10 Of The Meanest Characters In The Series, Ranked

Our favorite group of friends on The Big Bang Theory faced many challenges throughout 12 seasons. From Swedish researchers outdoing them on their own projects, through losing out on tenure to missing out on Comic-Con, there's only so much a person can take.

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Another more serious issue that these group of men (okay, and Amy) faced their entire lives are bullies. We've all heard horror stories of these men getting picked on throughout their childhood, which made fans happy that they all turned out to be such a success in their adult years. However, their bullies didn't stop in elementary school. There were 10 low-key mean characters in The Big Bang Theory that are just waiting to be called out, so allow us to do the honors.


If you can remember back to a time where Wil Wheaton and Sheldon weren't friends, these two really despised one another. Sheldon had it out for Wheaton after he ditched on an autograph signing, leaving Sheldon's dreams dashed.

The hits kept on coming when Wheaton cut the line for the new Indiana Jones movie and started live-tweeting rude remarks about Sheldon. Luckily, these two eventually found common ground and became tentative friends. Wheaton was then allowed to attend birthday parties and other events the group was hosting.


Like Leonard, Leslie Winkle is an experimental physicist at Caltech. She's brilliant, she's witty, and she really detests Sheldon Cooper. He was on her hate-list after he noted she should step away from science and stick to childbearing.

Nevertheless, she called him "dumbass" throughout the entire season, used Howard for sex as long as she got something out of him in return, and also used Leonard on-and-0ff for a few years as long as it benefitted her. She's brilliant but also lacks some social decorum.


Let's put it this way, Barry Kripke is not a bad person. He's not even a mean person. However, he's rude to those who are rude to him. We first meet him in the second season where he threatens Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj with a superior robot. His character obviously made an impression because every time we saw him, he had something mean to say to Sheldon.

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He placed helium in Sheldon's office during a telephone interview, they go head-to-head for Professor Rothman's office, he made fun of Sheldon's string theory retraction, and he almost stops "Shamy's" wedding by having his birthday party at the same location. In a word, Barry is ruthless when he needs to be.


If the name Todd Zarnecki doesn't sound familiar to you, the image of this scene will refresh your memory. In the fourth season, Sheldon's World of Warcraft account was hacked by an evil stranger. The guys go on an adventure to find the thief themselves and find out he's a very large and intimidating bully.

The guys show up at his door with Sheldon's bat'leth so Todd steals that too and shuts the door in their faces. Luckily, Penny shows up, attacks him, and gets Sheldon's belongings back.


Remember Kurt? We first meet Kurt in the first season as Penny's ex-boyfriend. The two dated for four years and even lived together. The whole reason Penny moved in across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon was because she and Kurt broke up.

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Not only was Kurt terrible to Penny but he was horrible to the guys. He never gave Penny's TV back, he ripped off the pants of the guys after they tried to get her TV back, he was once arrested for peeing on a cop car (and it takes him months to pay Penny back after she bailed him out), and he shows up at Penny's Halloween party where he, once again, picks on Leonard. He's a bad dude with a bad agenda.


Anyone who bullies Stuart is a piece of trash. Stuart is such a wholesome and humble man who has so little. But the man really tries, which makes his shortcomings all the more heartbreaking. As it turns out, Stuart does have a bully and his name is Jesse.

Jesse owns a rival comic book store that is actually successful. Knowing how much better he has it, Jesse rubs his success in Stuart's face and proves how much cooler his store is by bragging to Bernadette. Thankfully, Bernadette leaves Jesse's store without getting anything but seeing the way Jesse treats another human being who is down on his luck shows his real character.


Surprisingly, Alicia only appears in one episode but I think she would have made a great antagonist for Penny throughout a couple of seasons.

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We first meet Alicia as she's moving into the apartment above Sheldon and Leonard's. She's beautiful and is also an actress, so Penny immediately hates her out of jealousy. Sadly, Alicia takes the guys' kindness for weakness and uses them to move her boxes into her apartment and set up her electronics. She even asks Penny how much physicists make, as if she could use them for money.

Penny confronts Alicia and the two end up in an epic girl fight that got physical. Seeing Alicia's true intentions and the fact that she hits Penny is enough to make her a mean girl.


How annoying is Ramona Nowitzki? The former graduate student did everything she could to encourage the brilliant Sheldon Cooper but her support went too far.

Sheldon loves to work but even her conditions were too much for him to bear. She's mean to all of Sheldon's friends because they distract him from his work, she asks Sheldon to add her name to his research paper because she encouraged him, and she kissed him without his consent! Sure, the kiss pushed Sheldon to propose to Amy—which fans adored—but Ramona is a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing.


Jimmy Speckerman is an actual bully. He was the one who picked on Leonard throughout the majority of his childhood and gave him so many PTSD moments later in life. Now as adults, Jimmy meets Leonard where the two hash it out.

Leonard gets everything off his chest and Jimmy apologizes profusely, making Leonard feel better. However, the next day when Jimmy woke up, he forgot all about their little talk and continued to belittle and bully Leonard in his own home. He even ate his breakfast.


We've finally reached the rudest and most cold-blooded character on The Big Bang Theory: Leonard's mother, Dr. Beverly Hofstadter. Granted, Beverly doesn't intend to insult people or be a bad mother. She does most things from a scientific view and sees most interactions as research. However, all of Leonard's downfalls, shortcomings, and insecurities come from his mother.

She's constantly comparing him to his high-achieving siblings, she likes Penny but thinks their relationship won't last, she thinks Leonard's incredibly needy and never gives him validation... Sure, she's sweet to Sheldon but that's about it. She's incredibly insulting to Mary Cooper based on her religious views and is borderline abusive to her ex-husband. Sorry, Beverly. You're too cold.

NEXT: 10 Continuity Errors That Fans Probably Didn't Notice In The Big Bang Theory

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