Star Wars: 10 Most Memorable Luke Skywalker Quotes | ScreenRant

Star Wars is an endlessly epic saga that's rife with some epic, memorable quotes from its dynamic cast. With the impactful lines from Vader and the Emperor, Yoda's words of wisdom, and Admiral Ackbar's meme-worthy bits, there's no shortage of hits. Lucas' massive franchise has indeed produced some of the most iconic lines; not just in the sci-fi genre, but in films as a whole.

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Being one of the primary heroes of the saga, Luke Skywalker has naturally spoken his share of memorable dialogue as well. This is primarily as he takes center stage in the original trilogy, but also as he takes on a supporting role in The Last Jedi. So let's grab our lightsabers and take flight as we explore Luke's 10 best, most memorable quotes of Star Wars.

10 "You Can Either Profit By This, Or Be Destroyed."

The Star Wars trilogy shows Luke's gradual, often treacherous journey from a humble farmer on Tatooine to a Jedi warrior. While he undergoes plenty of trials and tribulations, this classic moment in Return of the Jedi shows a distinct shift in Luke.

As he attempts to save his friends, this line to Jabba the Hutt presents Luke in a more confident and seasoned light. He's overcome much to reach this point, and it shows, in this emphatic statement that he intends to save his friends, and his warning to Jabba not to "underestimate his power."

9 "No One's Ever Really Gone."

Despite its ties with the original trilogy, there aren't a whole lot of feel-good nostalgic moments in Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi, where things take a rather dark turn for our heroes. Still, this scene with Luke and Leia makes for a significant, heartfelt moment for fans of the original trilogy in particular.

After Leia somberly tells her brother that her son Kylo is "gone," Luke responds with this line. It offers a glimmer of hope while providing a nod to Return of the Jedi, where Luke is eventually able to save his father from the dark side. It's also quite nice to see a bit of the positive, hopeful Luke make a return after his despondent nature for most of this film. The line also has added emotional weight, given the tragic passing of Leia's actress, Carrie Fisher, shortly after the filming of TLJ.

8 "Strike Me Down In Anger And I'll Always Be With You."

Even for many who weren't keen on Luke's descent into despair and isolation for much of TLJ tend to find some redemption in Luke in the closing scenes. After his endearing final moment with Leia, Luke approaches his nephew Kylo - or rather he manifests a projection - to confront him head-on.

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This heroic exchange during the confrontation with Ren is particularly memorable, especially given Skywalker's hesitancy to answer the call and help Rey earlier in the film. This line makes for a neat little callback to the mentor of the previous trilogy, Obi-Wan Kenobi when he clashed with Vader.

7 "You'll Find I'm Full Of Surprises."

Much like our first entry, this memorable line from Luke showcases a moment of growth for the young Jedi-in-training. After the buildup to the confrontation with the ominous Vader, Luke presents an air of confidence by striking his father both with his lightsaber and this bit of dialogue. It's a demonstration of Skywalker's training somewhat coming to fruition in real-time.

As it turns out, Vader has quite the surprising revelation for his son as well, shortly after this moment.

6 "The Force Is Strong In My Family."

Similar to Vader's shocking revelation to his son in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke unveils another family secret to Princess Leia, who turns out to be his sister. This entire scene holds emotional significance, as the 2 children of Darth Vader discuss their plans after learning of their relationship to him.

This scene, and this line, in particular, serves as a sort of "passing of the torch" to his Force-sensitive sister, should Luke fail his mission. Moreover, it reveals to the audience that Luke's power and potential aren't limited to him alone, but is a trait of the Skywalker family.

5 "Your Thoughts Betray You, Father."

Return of the Jedi ends with a gripping, climactic end confrontation between Luke, Vader, and the Emperor - both in terms of action and emotional weight. Vader is attempting to again bring his son to the dark side, while Luke tries to get his father back, and the Emperor looks to replace Vader with Luke as his apprentice.

In the midst of some memorable exchanges, this line stands out in particular, as it demonstrates a sort of gradual shift of power. While TESB had Vader in the dominant role, Luke seems to hold more of the upper hand and presents an unshakable confidence. He senses a conflict in his father and tries to coax him to doubt himself, much like Vader had with Luke in the previous film. We also get a glimpse into the philosophies and mantra of the light side, as Luke tries to coax him towards good.

4 "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm Here To Rescue You."

Not every enduring quote needs to be a tear-jerker, philosophical, or invoke laughter. Sometimes it's just a matter of a classic, important bit of dialogue that manages to elevate to icon status. Such is the case with this utterance from Luke to Leia, just after unveiling his face through his Storm Trooper disguise on the Death Star.

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It's fairly straightforward, but it serves as an emblematic line that represents Star Wars' nature as a classic heroic tale of good versus evil - particularly the original trilogy. It's just one of those standout quotes that had kids repeating it when playing Star Wars in the back yard.

3 "You're Overconfidence Is Your Weakness."

Luke's clashing with Emperor Palpatine and Vader was as much a physical battle as it was a psychological one. For our hero, this meant outwitting and mentally overcoming them by some strong, thought-provoking dialogue.

This is perhaps best exemplified in this zinger to Sidious, who's overconfident and seemingly indestructible by this point in the trilogy. It's a means of mentally staving off the Emperor and stripping a bit of his aura of power by pointing to his shortcomings and failed attempt to intimidate or demoralize. And as it happens, this line happens to be rather prophetic.

2 "I Want To Learn The Ways Of The Force..."

Every compelling, dynamic tale of adventure needs a call to action - a protagonist who's willing and motivated to embark on the "hero's journey" far from their comfort zone. For Luke, the farmer who finds himself stuck in his mundane life gets this push after the destruction of his home and the murder of his Aunt and Uncle by Storm Troopers.

His proclamation to Obi-Wan marks the first major milestone in the narrative as well as Luke's personal journey to become a Jedi. Again, it's a classic line with an air of majesty that helps establish Star Wars as the space fantasy that it is.

1 "You Failed, Your Highness. I Am A Jedi, Like My Father Before Me."

This is one of those classic Luke quotes that makes its viewers want to pump their fists with how powerful it is. After several minutes of the malicious Emperor seemingly grooming our hero into joining the dark side, Luke responds with an emphatic "no," making it abundantly clear that his will is unbreakable.

Not only this, but he reminds the Emperor of his father's history as a Jedi, further diminishing his power over both of them. Despite Palpatine's ability to manipulate and overpower his way to dominance, he will not, and cannot get through to the morally righteous Luke. It marks an epic conclusion to this journey and of the character arc of Luke, and in a sense, for Vader as well.

NEXT: Star Wars: Kylo Ren's 10 Best Quotes

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