Arrested Development: 5 Worst Things Buster Has Gone Through (& 5 Things He's Done To Others)

No one was particularly lucky to be born into the Bluth family on Arrested Development, but no one seemed to suffer quite so much as youngest brother Buster.

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Buster, of course, was not free of sin himself (he was a Bluth after all) but he was never able to stand up for himself in the same way his brothers seemed to, and he didn't have a healthy relationship with his parents they way George Michael does or the confidence of his niece Maeby. Buster suffered. Buster suffered a lot.

10 Gone Through - Tricked Out of Prison

Buster successfully breaks out of prison with his father but, what his family forgets to tell Buster, is that he is being released in eight days' time. Instead of letting Buster go free and clear, he is tricked into escaping and life on the run because of the selfishness of his relatives.

Buster doesn't know any better (or he'd have kept track of the time he had left) but it's evil for those who claim to love Buster to set him up for failure like this.

9 Done - Dating Lucilles II

The only person who actually seems to care about Buster at all is his mother, Lucille. She's not exactly the best mother, she ruins Buster by coddling him, but she's as close at Buster gets to a meaningful relationship with his family.

And yet, Buster goes on to date his mother's arch-enemy, Lucille II, despite the love he has been shown throughout his life. Of everyone to punish his mother should have been the last.

8 Gone Through - Having His Arm Eaten

In the end, it's big brother Gob's fault that Buster loses his arm. Gob releases the seel that does the deed. It's horrifying to lose an appendage, but even more so when one has childhood trauma related to a man who pretended not to have an arm.

Add to that that both the previous trauma and the loss of limb are all the fault of family and Buster suffers quite a bit.

7 Done - Siding With Lucille

Part of Buster's rough relationship with his brothers Gob and Micahel comes from the fact that Buster always sides with their mother Lucille. If he really wanted or cared about the other relationships in his family he needed to learn to think and act for himself much earlier in life.

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By always taking his mother's side he ruins any chance he ever had of bonding in a meaningful way with any of his siblings.

6 Gone Through - Getting Rid of a Corpse

It's hard to argue that Gob ever gave Buster much of a reason to take his side or support him. More than almost any other family member, aside from their father, Gob tortures Buster the most.

This is exemplified when Gob makes Buster get rid of a corpse that was left by the gay mafia. If Gob had cared about his brother he wouldn't have gotten him involved and, if he's understood his brother, he'd have known how upset this would make Buster.

5 Done - Dating Lupe

Buster really didn't have any appropriate social skills, thanks to his mother, but it's never right to date someone you are paying to do work for you. Lupe was the maid, working for the Bluth family, who Buster has a crush on and tries to date.

It's not a good match or a good look for the youngest Bluth brother. Perhaps Lupe could have made Buster a better person, but Lupe deserved far more than that for her life.

4 Gone Through - The Milford School

As a child, Buster is sent away to school, by his parents George and Lucille. He attends the Milford School, an institution that teaches children not to be seen or heard.

This is obviously a motto Buster takes to heart, ruining a great deal of the rest of his life. It's hard to believe his parents paid for the privilege of Buster's attendance, ruining any chance he had of growing into a full human being.

3 Done - Fighting Over Marta

Every Bluth brother had a crush on the Venezuelan character, Marta. Gob lived with her for a time, Michael dated her, and Buster fawned over her, sending mysterious gifts and experiences.

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It's always a bad idea to get involved with someone who has already had a romantic attachment to another member of the family, and Buster is particularly creepy in the fact that Marta never even realizes where his random gifts are coming from.

2 Gone Through - Finding Out Who His Real Dad Is

It's devastating enough for Buster to find out that George Bluth is not his biological father, and then the revelation does not free him from the Bluth family drama.

In fact, the truth further mires him in the family drama, since his real father is Oscar, Geroge's twin brother. Not one deserves to have their heritage hidden from them or revealed to them in such a dramatic way.

1 Done - Forced the Business on Michael

The whole premise of Arrested Development sees the middle brother, Michael, take over the family business to try and save what remains of his family. But Michael never should have been put in this position at all.

Buster was supposed to take over the business, he went to school for it, but, obviously, can't quite manage it because, well, he's Buster.

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