Selling Sunset Season 2: Why Christine Replaced Mary With Davina As Her Bestie

Season two of Netflix's Selling Sunset arrived on the streaming app with one major change to the dynamic between the female realtors: Mary Fitzgerald and Christine Quinn were no longer besties. Although the two women were clearly the closest friends among the female agents of the Oppenheim Group during season one, Mary didn't even know about Christine's engagement at the start of season two. Instead, Christine seemed to be much closer to Davina Potratz. Why did Christine switch her loyalties this season?

One season one of Selling Sunset, Christine and Mary explained that, although they were opposites, they were truly best friends. They had worked together for years and even lived together at one point. Despite their close relationship, both women were very different. While Mary liked to keep the peace, Christine didn't mind making her feelings known, no matter how offensive they might be. For the most part, the friendship worked, but their contrasting personalities finally clashed when Chrishell Hartley joined the Oppenheim Group.

Related: Selling Sunset Cast Net Worth: Heather Young, Christine Quinn & More 

When Chrishell started as a brand new agent, she and Davina had a conversation about Mary's relationship with her much younger boyfriend, Romain. While both women were questioning the dynamics and strength of the relationship, Davina then told the other girls that Chrishell was talking badly about Mary. That didn't sit well with Christine. At the end of the season, Christine's frustration with Chrishell came to a head. She confronted her at a party and accused her of not owning up to what she said. Chrishell, however, insisted that she was simply asking questions and that the situation was being blown out of proportion. Davina took Christine's side and continued to trash-talk Chrishell, but Mary quickly forgave a distraught Chrishell and decided to move on.

The situation surrounding Chrishell was likely the turning point in Christine and Mary's friendship. Although Mary was supposed to be Christine's best friend, she decided to extend an olive branch to Chrishell in the hopes that it would put the situation to rest. While Christine was being far too harsh with Chrishell, Mary's automatic forgiveness made it seem like Christine was the bad guy. Christine didn't feel that Mary was being loyal, especially since she started the argument in Mary's honor. Davina, on the other hand, totally stood by Christine. She insisted that Chrishell was wrong and refused to go easy on her, despite her being obviously upset at the situation. At that moment, Christine probably felt that Davina was being more loyal than Mary, which laid the groundwork for their future friendship.

In all reality, Christine was out of line. Mary never asked Christine to fight for her and she made it clear that she wished the situation would just go away.  But from Christine's perspective, she felt that she could no longer rely on Mary. That moment was the catalyst that started pushing their friendship apart. As Christine grew away from Mary, she drifted closer to Davina. By the start of season two, Davina was Christine's best friend, while Mary was just the former friend who had "betrayed" her.

Next: Selling Sunset: Christine's Engagement Ring's Cost, Cut & Size Guessed By a Jeweler 

Selling Sunset season 2 is available to stream on Netflix.

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