10 Characters We'd Love To See Cameo In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Where Star Trek: Discovery was a grittier exploration into what led to Kirk's Enterprise, the upcoming Strange New Worlds series will be the bridge between the two. So far, only Captain Pike, Number One, and Spock have been confirmed for the cast of the Enterprise. However, there are so many more options to fill out the ranks of the ship and the show.

RELATED: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 5 Characters We Want To See A Lot Of The Discovery Spin-Off (And 5 We Don't) 

Considering that, and the adventures Pike has already been on, and Spock's complex Vulcan heritage, some characters would be fantastic options for compelling one-off episodes, since SNW is going back to that old episodic format. Here are 10 characters we'd love to see cameo in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

10 T'Pring

In the original run of TOS, T'Pring was Spock's flawlessly logical betrothed, a beautiful and somewhat ruthless Vulcan woman. Despite only appearing in one episode, fans have had a soft spot for the character that incited "Amok Time".

It would be great to see a new version of her, a strong young character who was only bonded to the stubborn Spock because their families agreed upon it. Well, she didn't and she could be quite the Vulcan troublemaker about it. In the most logical ways, of course.

9 Amanda Grayson

During Discovery, Amanda Grayson was a character that brought a lot of humanity to her two children, Michael and Spock. Both of them rejected it in their own ways and she tried her best to respect Vulcan customs while preserving the the other natures in them.

However, since Michael was more the main character of Discovery, there weren't too many moments for Spock and Amanda to be alone. It would be fascinating to see them interact on their own, or see how other crewmates might react to what she brings out in her son.

8 Phillip Boyce

Strange New Worlds has already made it clear that Spock, Una, and Pike will all be starring in this new series. However, there is one main cast member from those scrapped pilot episodes that hasn't been seen yet: Dr. Phillip Boyce. A voice of wisdom and reason for Pike, Boyce was an older Starfleet man who cared for everyone around him.

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Now, if Phillip is still around after the insanity of "The Cage" or a Klingon War, then it'd be awesome to see him. If he retired after all that, though, no one could really blame him. But if the Doctor isn't Mr. Boyce, then they better be someone amazing to round out the fantastic cast.

7 Vina

This one is far more likely, considering fans have already seen an actress for Vina in Discovery's short jaunt to Talos. Consdering in TOS that Vina was his "happily ever after", it'd be neat to see her pop up again in Pike's future adventures, even if only in dreams or as an illusion.

It's clear he loves her dearly and that the people of Talos are a lot more complex than they were in the original pilot. Also, she gives Pike a lot of angst about leaving her, which is always great for TV drama.

6 Alexander Marcus

Though this was established in the AOS movies, it would be a fascinating little tidbit to keep: Alexander Marcus was the one to convince Pike to join Starfleet. Meeting the mentors of main characters was always a classic storyline in older Trek shows, and considering how much respect fans have for Pike, it would be fascinating to see why he ended up the captain he became.

Especially if they keep his not-so-wholesome intentions. It would definitely pit Pike's idealism against his mentor. It could be quite a cool episode idea.

5 Sarek

If Strange New Worlds doesn't have Sarek in it at all, that would be weird. Spock and his father have a complex and often tenuous relationship because of the expectations he put on his son.

In TOS, he shocked Kirk by introducing the ambassador and just mentioning casually that he was also his father. While Spock can't exactly hide that from Pike and co. at this point, it would be great to see their relationship develop into the no-contact situation it became by TOS and, later, TNG.

4 Yeoman J.M. Colt

In the original TOS pilot, "The Cage", Yeoman Colt was an ensign on the Enterprise, a plucky (albeit inexperienced) young red-head who had a crush on Captain Pike. While she might not be stationed on the Enterprise by now, seeing her would be a fun callback to the original pilot. The Discovery shots of Enterprise's bridge don't seem to have a redhead, so she doesn't seem to be an officer on the bridge anymore.

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However, even an episode meeting up with her again, or having a completely different character with her name, would be a fun easter egg for fans.

3 Thira Sidhu

Captain Pike had a Short Trek based on engineer Thira Sidhu watching over him while he was imprisoned for un-Starfleet behaviors. She impressed him by not falling for his pleas and keeping him in chains. So much so that she joined the Enterprise engineering crew.

Even if Officer Sidhu doesn't end up being the chief engineer or a main player in Strange New Worlds, it'd be awesome to see her around, helping with the ship. While all Short Treks don't have to be some big deal connection with any storylines, Sidhu is a character fans wouldn't mind seeing again (and her husband, of course).

2 L'Rell

As an important figure in both seasons of Discovery, L'Rell's influence on Klingon politics won't end just because Michael Burnham went missing. However, there is still a large gap between where the Klingons are now and where they end up by the time of TOS. Not only could L'Rell and Strange New Worlds be important in this shift, but also it's likely that she won't survive the change in power.

Klingon politics are complicated and it'd be a shame not to see at least one episode of the Enterprise getting involved (like it always does).

1 James T. Kirk

Of course, this is not TOS. The story is not about the passionate, impulsive, and oh-so-human Captain Kirk. However, it would be great to have an easter egg with his name, or to have him join the Enterprise in an off-hand mission. After all, he eventually becomes its captain, and Spock eventually becomes his best friend.

Canonically, Kirk only met Pike on the day he handed over the Enterprise, but that doesn't need to be a hard and fast rule. Star Trek is no stranger to shaking up canon for an interesting story. Anyway, it'd be fascinating to see who they might cast as a young Jim Kirk.

NEXT: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 10 Things We Want To See In The New Discovery Spin-Off Series

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