Malcolm In The Middle: 10 Facts & Trivia You Need To Know About Stevie

No matter how perfect and serene your family might be, everyone can recognize their family members in the Wilkerson clan from Malcolm in the Middle. Whether it's the overbearing "mother bear" in Lois or the bullying older brother in Reese, the series follows the realities of working-class family life.

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An important member of the family that is not mentioned very often is Stevie Kenarban, Malcolm's best friend. He is intellectually gifted, loyal, and has never let his disability get in the way of his life. To fully appreciate him, here are ten things that you need to know about Stevie.

10 He Suffers From Numerous Disabilities

One of Stevie's defining features is his breathless voice and labored cadence. This is because he suffers from severe asthma and only has one functioning lung! Stevie is also paralyzed and requires the use of a wheelchair to get around. He has walked upright on one occasion to overpower Reese via the use of a "war suit" for lack of a better term (see the episode "Reese vs. Stevie").

These hindrances do not control Stevie's life. His advanced intellect and wit help him to get the upper hand in many sticky situations.

9 Pretty Much Immune To Bullies...

In most TV shows, characters with a disability are depicted as being the victims of merciless bullying. But not Stevie Kenarban! The fact that he's in a wheelchair protects him from bullies.

One of these bullies is Malcolm's older brother Reese, who often laments the fact that he can't punch or physically harm Stevie. The only other bully that Stevie has ever faced is a child named David Spath, who pushed him out of his wheelchair. Unfortunately for David, this incident leads to the entire student body turning on him.

8 ....But Knows How To Play Dirty

While Stevie still has to endure conflict at the hands of others, he knows how to fight back. In the episode, "Reese vs. Stevie", Reese becomes so enraged at not being able to bully Stevie that he makes himself numb from the waist down and challenges the latter to a fight.

But Stevie manages to steal a pair of robotic legs from a hospital and win the fight against Reese. Despite his physical disabilities, he does not allow others to take advantage of him.

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7 Not Afraid To Call People Out

Stevie's friendship with Malcolm is chaotic, to say the least. Malcolm is often selfish and self-obsessed, leading him to project onto Stevie. However, that does not mean that he lets Malcolm get away with it.

In the episode "Polly In The Middle", Malcolm complains about his younger brother believing in a lucky shirt. Stevie's response? "You're asking me about luck?" Stevie is not afraid to call Malcolm out on his egotism, which shows that he cares enough about his friend to hold him to a higher standard.

6 Is Endlessly Loyal (Probably To His Detriment)

If Stevie Kenarban cares about you, you have a friend for life! However, his loyalty can be a detriment to him. When it comes to Malcolm, he lets his best friend's abuse slip under the rug.

In the episode, "Stevie In The Hospital", Malcolm visits his friend in the hospital and unleashes a torrent of abuse at him. Instead of getting angry, Stevie fondly mentions to his bed partner, "I told you he would come". He realizes understands that Malcolm's behavior stems from insecurity and fear. We all deserve a friend like Stevie!

5 He Has A More Dysfunctional Family Situation Than Malcolm

Stevie's family situation is dysfunctional, to put it mildly. His disability plays very prominently into how over-protective and overbearing his parents are towards him.

His mother, Kitty, leaves the family in season five to escape her familial responsibilities and be free to do whatever she wanted. This deeply traumatizes Stevie, causing him to go into a depression and even stop talking for a while. His father, Abe, smothers him out of love and initially lies to him about his mother leaving.

4 He Is A Genius Kid

Stevie is highly intelligent and, at school, is placed in a gifted classroom known as "the Krelboynes". This is where his and Malcolm's friendship first blossoms!

Besides Malcolm and Stevie, there are five other kids in the class. Due to his social issues and physical disability, this class represents the extent of his friend group. As awkward as this might be, Stevie is still incredibly lucky to be surrounded by like-minded people at school.

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3 The Ladies Love Him

As awkward as he is, Stevie knows how to make a good impression on the ladies (and we mean all kinds!). Malcolm's mother, Lois, absolutely adores him because of how polite and well-spoken he is towards her. She even refers to him as her child, and that she is lucky to have one that does not disrespect her.

2 He Dates Malcolm's Ex-Girlfriend

Now, this is a little awkward. Angela Pozefsky enters the story as Malcolm's girlfriend. Her family is just as overbearing as Malcolm's, which is a point in common for them.

After they break up (because he was getting along better with her family than her, if you can believe that), he attempts to get her back. However, it turns out that she has moved and is now with Stevie! Seems like Malcolm isn't the only one with family issues...

1 He Is An Experienced Luger

Stevie is full of surprises. Turns out that he is very proficient in the sport of luge! In the episode "Dewey's Opera", he secretly beats Malcolm in a luging competition, causing Malcolm to dare him to another competition. To make matters worst? Malcolm asks him to help him prepare.

Long story short, Stevie wins but ends up injuring himself. But on the bright side, Malcolm now owes him $80.

Next: D&D Moral Alignments Of Malcolm In The Middle Characters

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