Call of Duty 2020 ARG May Be Pointing To A Reveal Next Week

The mysterious alternate reality game surrounding the announcement of Call of Duty 2020 has been steadily continuing, and may point to a big reveal coming next week. The mystery began earlier this week when fans opened several mysterious black crates that had been sent to them by Activision, revealing slide projectors and cryptic documents that all served as pieces of a puzzle meant to be solved cooperatively. These boxes were accompanied by further mysteries, like a creepy message flashing on-screen during games of Call of Duty: Warzone.

Players were able to glean a lot of information from studying these mysterious puzzle pieces. For instance, some identified a key location in the Russian Ural Mountains, which led developer Treyarch to change its Twitter cover image to a picture of a misty mountain range. It seems likely that these hints point to the return of Summit, an existing Call of Duty map. By digging deep and even studying a historic chess match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky, one dedicated fan eventually found a website called, which featured a blank TV and a VCR player. The VCR player flashed today's date, and the trail ended there.

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That is, until today. Now, features a video tape that players can click on to view assorted newsreel footage from the 1960s. The website also features a few new pages, including one that shows a sticky note with six lines, most of which are blacked out. The lines seem to coincide to days; day one is labeled 8/14, and is also marked with the name of the VCR tape that shows all the newsreel footage. Everything about the second line is blacked out, except for the words "Day two" and tomorrow's date. Keen-eyed fans, including Rayzor on Twitter, noted that if the pattern continues, it would end on the 19th, the day the Call of Duty Championship starts and a possible reveal date for the new game.

The newsreel footage on pawntakespawn is interspersed with mysterious numbers. By deciphering the code contained therein, as well as a number series that appeared briefly on the readout of the VCR player, fans were able to open a locked door in Call of Duty: Warzone's Farmhouse location. This locked door hid a secret room full of old machinery and mysterious documents, as well as a reference to Venona, a U.S. counterintelligence organization founded during World War I that operated during the Cold War, when it worked to decrypt Soviet communications.

It's been expected for some time that this year's Call of Duty game will be set in the Cold War. The most likely title, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, was leaked a while ago by none other than Doritos. A lot about this ARG seems to confirm this theory, including the chess game, the Venona reference, and footage of the Cuban Missile Crisis in the pawntakespawn video. Since the Cold War was fought mostly through subterfuge and intrigue, it makes sense that the ARG would be so cryptic and mysterious. Whatever the game ends up being, this ARG has certainly gotten fans excited. If this sticky note does in fact indicate new daily mysteries, then things should get very, very interesting over the next few days, hopefully finally culminating in the announcement of Call of Duty 2020.

Next: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare's New No-Killstreak Playlist Is All Skill

Source: Rayzor/Twitter,

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