Every Captain America Movie Climax, Ranked From Worst To Best

Captain America is one of the greatest superheroes of all time, but he never shone so brightly as when Chris Evans portrayed him in the MCU. The character was down-to-earth and charismatic, and struck an instant chord with fans. Some of the best endings in the MCU happen in Captain America's films, as the patriotic super just brought a spark to the franchise that no one else could even come close to replicating.

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Even with Phase 3 of the MCU long-concluded, he lives on in the memory of his fans as singularly one of the best parts of the entire Infinity Saga.

10 Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider-Man: Homecoming was a perfectly OK reboot, and it fits well into the overarching story of the MCU, but its ending just can't compare with the greats.

There's a well-choreographed battle between Spidey and Vulture, a little bit of character development for Peter and his friends, and some decent tying-up of plot threads (Tony Stark proposing to his fiancee Pepper Potts, for instance), but none of it has enough substance to make for anything more than a fun journey through the superhero world.

9 Captain America: The Winter Soldier

While the super-powered climax was at least visually interesting enough to draw away from some of the other faults in the ending to Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it's not memorable or exciting enough to break new ground, especially in a franchise that's been responsible for some of the best final battles of all time.

Sure, the end-credits sequence is neat, but that can be said about almost every Marvel film.

8 Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel's final battle is a flurry of stunning effects as the titular heroine overpowers the Kree army by reaching her max potential, allowing Nick Fury to retrieve the Tesseract.

This climax set up a lot of important stuff considering it had to lead right into Avengers: Endgame, and while it can feel over-packed at times as a result of this, it's not without its moments.

7 Captain America: The First Avenger

Captain America: The First Avenger finishes with an epic battle (seriously, for 2011, the visual effects are unbelievably well-executed) in which the titular war hero saves New York, inadvertently causing himself to be transported 70 years into the future.

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There's a fitting emotional undertone to Rogers' reaction upon waking up in the present day, and it's thankfully not overshadowed too much.

6 Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron could be faulted for its final battle having largely the same stylistic tone as that of its predecessor (2012's The Avengers), but the fight against Ultron's programmed minions is original enough that it never really feels repetitive.

Plus, the ending sets up new stories for several characters, including the Hulk, Thor, and Tony Stark.

5 Ant-Man

One of the more creative fight scenes in the MCU was the finale bout between Ant-Man and the Yellowjacket in 2015's Ant-Man. It's a really fun scene to watch. On top of that, Luis' exuberant final monologue is entertaining and establishes that Ant-Man has a big role to play in the franchise's upcoming chapters.

The post-credits scene is a little weak, but it's hard to fault the film over something as small as that.

4 The Avengers

"Avengers... Assemble!"

The final battle of 2012's The Avengers was one of the key moments during the MCU's history, at least in terms of setting up the direction it wanted to go in. The excitement, the action, the visual effects -- it's far from a cliche superhero battle; if anything, it's the battle that established the cliche.

It definitely helps that The Avengers' ending gave each member of its titular team their own chance to shine, making it engaging no matter the viewer's personal favorite.

3 Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War is a surprise contender for best ending across the MCU -- and that's far more a testament to its excellence than a denigration of its franchise. It does everything an MCU ending needs to do to be considered "good", and does those things far better than many of its predecessors.

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The final battle is exhilarating but, simultaneously a little relaxed, which makes for a nice balance. The post-battle scenes move everything into place for the franchise's story to continue, and they do so so smoothly that it's hardly noticeable.

2 Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Endgame's success owes a great deal to the cliffhanger ending of Avengers: Infinity War. It kept viewers hooked, made them want to see what was going to happen next.

And it didn't do so in a way that was gimmicky or contrived. There was still an electrifying final battle, and there were also several gripping moments dedicated to digging deeper into the characters' emotional cores, which were honestly necessary to give the fast-moving, action-packed flick a more human feel.

1 Avengers: Endgame

Of course, Avengers: Endgame has to take the top spot in terms of MCU endings. In an era of divisive fanbases, it managed to unite almost everyone over how good it was, accomplishing a near-impossible task in that regard. Everyone got the ending they deserved -- for instance, Steve Rogers got to grow old with the love of his life, Peggy Carter, finally being looked upon as a hero and getting to see his successor, Falcon, take on the mantle of Captain America.

The finale was satisfying in so many ways, and deserves to be looked upon as one of the best conclusions to a superhero film, perhaps ever.

NEXT: MCU: 10 Times Natasha And Steve Were Friendship Goals

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