Demon’s Souls Remake Has Updated And Classic Camera Options

With only a few weeks left before the PlayStation 5's launch, developers of the Demon's Souls remake have announced that the game will feature two unique camera modes. One takes a classic approach similar to the PlayStation 3 original while the other is updated to change the game's experience. This is yet another substantial change that developer Bluepoint Games has implemented to the PS3 classic.

When it was announced that Demon's Souls was going to receive a remake for the next console generation, fans were excited. Since then, however, the excitement has been complicated slightly due to some of the information Bluepoint has shared about its remaster. While the graphical improvements have been universally praised, many longtime fans have taken issue with the inclusion of pre-order bonus weapons, something that original developer, FromSoftware, had only done one time with Dark Souls 2 to similar mixed opinions. Souls fans were also disappointed when it came to light that the game's famed 6th mystery archstone would not be given content in the remaster. Now, more information has been shared about the remake that seems aimed at pleasing returning fans and newcomers alike.

Related: New Demon's Souls Gameplay Shows Off The Power Of PS5

In an interview with IGN, Demon's Souls' creative director Gavin Moore gave a bit more insight into some of the changes Bluepoint is implementing for the remaster. One of these changes, which was noted by fans after the first gameplay trailer dropped, is the position of the camera. In footage shown so far, the game's camera hovers over the player character's shoulder, rather than behind the back as with the original. Moore says that players will be able to switch back to the original camera position if they prefer it to the updated mode, though.

Another feature discussed in the interview was the inclusion of two visual modes meant to demonstrate the PS5's graphical capabilities. The first is Cinematic mode, which runs at native 4K at 30 frames per second, allowing for greater detail to enhance the game's immersion. The second is Performance mode, which runs at 60FPS with dynamic 4K resolution and it is meant to make the game feel faster, particularly in combat. No Souls game prior to this has had such a feature. World Tendency is a returning feature from the PS3 version in which players can change their game world by how they play Demon's Souls. Through their actions, players can make the game more difficult and get greater rewards, or make it less difficult and get lesser loot. According to Moore, Bluepoint has improved upon the world tendency system to make it more obvious to players what state their world is in.

There may be cause for concern for longtime Demon's Souls fans in the way Bluepoint seems to be handling the remaster. Some changes have seemingly been made to make the game easier and therefore more accessible to new players. The inclusion of two different frame rates could also alter Demon's Souls' difficulty due to the combat's heavy reliance on timing. There are only a few weeks left before players know for certain if Bluepoint's changes will work or fall flat with the notoriously devoted fan community.

Next: Why Demon's Souls Is More Creative Than Dark Souls

Demon's Souls will be available for PlayStation 5 on November 12.

Source: IGN

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