The Death of Martian Manhunter is DCeased's Saddest Moment

DCeased has forced fans to watch some of their favorite characters die, turn into zombies, and then kill more of their favorite characters. The series is full of tragic moments, but the death of Martian Manhunter just might be the saddest one yet.

The original DCeased series, written by Tom Taylor, ran for only six issues, but had a massive impact. The story begins when the Anti-Life equation becomes a virus and infects the majority of people on Earth, turning them into zombie-like beings called the Anti-Living. Some of DC’s most iconic heroes fall to the virus, including Martian Manhunter, Batman and Aquaman. Martian Manhunter manages to infiltrate the Fortress of Solitude, where many of the surviving heroes have gathered, and infect the Flash in DCeased #5. J’onn is then killed by Firestorm, but the damage is already done. Still, it was never revealed exactly how Martian Manhunter became one of the Anti-Living until now.

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The success of DCeased spawned several spin-off series, including DCeased: Hope at World’s End, which sheds some light on how Martin Manhunter became infected. While J’onn’s only appearance in the original series was as an Anti-Living powerhouse, Hope at World’s End reveals that he was not infected right away. Issue #2 shows Martian Manhunter alive and well as he approaches the other surviving heroes with an idea of where people could take refuge: Kahndaq, the nation ruled by Black Adam. Unfortunately, Adam refuses to let any outsiders into his nation, and shortly after becomes infected himself. With all his power, Adam quickly spreads the infection to the rest of Kahndaq’s population, forming an Anti-Living army that steamrolls everything in its path.

Eventually, Black Adam and his infected army reach a large group of survivors on Nantucket Island, which is being watched over by Superboy, Wondergirl and Damian Wayne. After doing their best to hold the Anti-Living at bay, reinforcements arrive in issue #12, including Superman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. When the undead Black Manta sets a ship full of survivors on fire, Martian Manhunter flies into the blaze - an incredible act of bravery considering fire is his one weakness. Unfortunately, in his attempt to save those onboard, J’onn is attacked and infected by Black Adam. His telepathic link to the other heroes causes them all to feel exactly what J’onn felt in his final moments - “We felt his fear. Felt his pain. We felt him phase into the seabed, move down through the Earth. His last thought, to save us from what he knew he was about to become. And then, J’onn J’onzz was just gone.”

The fact that J’onn died trying to do something noble makes this moment sad enough, but its made even more devastating knowing his last thought was to try and save his friends from himself, and knowing that he failed. In a series full of tragedy, the death of Martian Manhunter hits even harder than the rest.

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