The Notebook: 5 Things That Wouldn't Happen Now (& 5 That Could)

The Notebook is an uncontested classic. So many people love this movie that if one were to try and argue against it they'd most likely be faced with strong opposition across the board of most groups. However, as every movie ages, some things simply don't read the same--and that's not always necessarily a bad thing.

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There are some aspects of the film that feel different now simply because of how much modern society has shifted in terms of technology and daily practices. In other ways, the film might feel odd for some viewers because of adjustments in societal norms, particularly in regards to relationships and romantic roles. Either way, such changes don't have to mess with an avid fan's love--but it is certainly food for thought.

10 Wouldn't Happen Now: Sending Letters

It's a pretty basic difference, but the fact of letters would completely change the storyline if the movie were set in the modern-day.

Today, Allie and Noah would text each other--meaning Allie wouldn't have waited seven years for Noah to write her but have known pretty quickly if he was interested or not.

9 Could Happen: Falling In Love

The two fall in love very fast, but romantics abound would argue that this happens no matter what time period someone lives in--even if others find it cheesy.

Things would transpire in a different way, but the same sudden romantic quality of the movie wouldn't be seen as odd in movies today--in fact, it occurs all the time in the many romantic comedies viewers see lately.

8 Wouldn't Happen Now: Finding Noah In A Newspaper

Allie and Noah come back into each other's lives because she sees a photo of him in the local newspaper.

Now, newspapers still exist, of course, but the likelihood of someone seeing someone's face for the first time--to such an extent that it makes her faint--in a newspaper rather than on other social media is very unlikely, and wouldn't have allowed the same effect.

7 Could Happen: Class Conflict

The biggest conflict between Allie and Noah is their class difference. This may be something that is existent to a lesser degree in today's society, but it certainly still exists.

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The fancy parties and pretentious conversation that is seen in Allie's family would wear different clothes today but could have the same ultimate results in relation to Noah and Allie being kept apart.

6 Wouldn't Happen Now: Giving Up On Love After 17

Hopeless romantics definitely exist but finding someone who completely gave up on love after losing their summer romance at the age of seventeen would be difficult.

Noah's love for Allie turns into a mad obsession in his life, stopping him from relating to any other woman in a healthy and loving way. With love being more fluid and varying today, this hardcore, one-track storyline stands out as old-fashioned.

5 Could Happen: Mansplaining

Noah has a habit of explaining things to Allie, usually things that have to do with herself and who she is and how she lives her life.

This can be seen as Noah being insightful and helping Allie to grow, but it's also a blatant example of a man telling a woman who she is--something that would have been even more common in the time than it is now, but now is at least a little more contested. This is one of the main things that causes the movie to age badly.

4 Wouldn't Happen Now: Asking Parents' Permission To Propose

Allie playfully jokes with Lonny about whether or not he will be able to marry her.

The whole thing is a pretty cringe-worthy scene, with Allie coquettishly playing hard to get just to point out that her true destiny relies on whether or not he asks permission from her parents--emphasizing how Allie pretends to be an independent woman when in reality she is very much at the hands of others.

3 Could Happen: The Break-Up Misunderstanding

There are many more ways for people to communicate today, so many that it would be difficult for Allie and Noah to stay incommunicado for seven years.

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However, even with modern technology, people face miscommunications and misunderstandings all of the time. If Allie and Noah were to text each other, they could still easily misread what the other meant and end up broken up as they are in the movie.

2 Wouldn't Happen Now: The Ferris Wheel Scene

Noah's dramatic Ferris wheel stunt in which he jumps onto the ride Allie and a man are sharing and then refuses to leave until she agrees to go out with him wouldn't happen today for many reasons.

First, restrictions on rides are much more monitored, and he would get in serious trouble. Second, the scene is basically harassment, even it is shrouded in the classic Nicholas Sparks romance.

1 Could Happen: Using Someone To Distract From Lost Love

One of the most realistic things that happen in the movie is, unfortunately, Noah's treatment of Martha. Fans associate The Notebook with Noah's undying love for Allie, which often results in him being put on a pedestal as if he is the ideal man.

However, Noah proves himself to be just another guy capable of using and hurting the women around him, as viewers watch Martha desperately vie for Noahs' attention just to be rejected and used as a distraction from what he really wants.

NEXT: Cinema's 10 Most Passionate Kisses, Ranked

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