Twilight: 5 Worst Things Jacob Did To Bella (& 5 Worst Bella Did To Jacob)

While Bella and Edward might have been the canon couple that ended up together in the Twilight saga, there were a lot of fans who wanted Jacob and Bella to be together instead. While Jacob ends up with Renesmee in an attempt to give him a happy ending, the love triangle was still a big part of the story.

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Whether you liked Jacob and Bella together or not, there were definitely things about them that didn’t make sense, and they did some not so great things to one another.

10 Bella Did: Used him at first for his friendship

When Bella first starts hanging out with Jacob, she’s in a pretty low state. She’s severely depressed after Edward broke up with her, and she’s not really in a place where she can give a lot in return to someone.

While the idea of “friend-zoning” someone is totally ridiculous, it was unfair that she needed Jacob to help her so much while sort of using him for comfort.

9 Jacob Did: Implied to Edward that Bella had died

Near the end of New Moon, Edward calls Bella’s house to try to confirm whether Bella is alive or not after Alice had a vision of her cliff jumping. Jacob answers the phone, and while he doesn’t say Bella is dead, he implies that she is.

He knows what he is doing here, and it’s really awful for him to do this. He shouldn’t have answered the phone, and he should have given the phone right away to Bella or Alice.

8 Bella Did: Didn’t just cut him out completely

Truthfully, Jacob was much worse to Bella than she was to him, but we will get to his worst crimes later. Bella’s sin was to not just cut Jacob out of her life at certain points.

When Jacob started to become jealous and to clearly want a romantic relationship with Bella, she should have just cut him out of her life. She still wanted the friendship, but it just wasn’t going to be possible. She didn’t do either of them any favors.

7 Jacob Did: Lashed out in manipulative ways to get Bella to love him

Jacob is extremely insecure and does a lot of abusive things to Bella. This isn't to say that Edward was a saint as he did some messed up things, too, but Jacob was often out of control.

RELATED: Twilight: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Bella and Edward’s Relationship

He would use his emotions to manipulate Bella to try to get her to be with him. One of the worst things he did was to tell her he was going to kill himself because he knew this would make Bella try to comfort him.

6 Bella Did: Used him to protect her and an unborn Renesmee

Bella had issues with not being completely upfront with her feelings. She was a more passive personality, and she would sometimes use people when it suited her.

Even though Jacob was pretty disgusted by Bella being pregnant, he was committed to keeping her safe while she was still human. He protected her from the wolf pack, and Bella was happy to keep him around because of this.

5 Jacob Did: Imprinted on Bella’s baby

Jacob did so many awful things to Bella that imprinting on her newborn daughter isn’t even at the top of the list. While technically in the story imprinting is something that Jacob couldn’t control, it’s still really weird.

It’s no wonder that Bella got upset with him when she found out. It was even worse that Jacob started being really possessive over Renesmee and thought he had a claim on her over Bella.

4 Bella Did: Made him believe he actually had a chance with her

Bella’s biggest flaw was that she could never choose sides very well. It was always clear that she loved Edward more and wanted to be with him even if there were moments when she could see a possible future with Jacob.

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Keeping Jacob around when it suited her just created more of a mess for everyone. While Jacob was a jerk about respecting her boundaries, she also sent a lot of mixed messages about if she wanted him in her life or not.

3 Jacob Did: Assaulted Bella by kissing her without her consent

One of the main reasons why it’s hard to root for these two as a couple is because of this scene. Jacob does assault Bella when he kisses her, quite forcefully even, without her consent. Bella is very clear that she doesn’t want to be kissed as she says no and then tries to push him away.

Jacob just keeps kissing her anyway, and it’s hard to forgive him for something like this.

2 Bella Did: Didn’t make him leave her alone forever

Let’s just make it clear that the things Bella did to Jacob weren’t as bad.

There’s really no way around that. But, the best thing she could have done for everyone including Jacob, Edward, Renesmee, and herself would have been to tell Jacob to leave them alone. Jacob didn’t really deserve to be around Bella, and he definitely didn’t deserve to be around Renesmee at least until she was an adult.

1 Jacob Did: Planned to kill Bella's baby

While Jacob imprinting on Renesmee was pretty bad, it’s even worse that he planned to kill her before he laid eyes on her. While he was committed to protecting Bella because she was still human, he saw Renesmee as some sort of vampire/demon offspring that needed to be destroyed as she might kill other humans.

Killing a newborn without knowing for sure if they are a threat to others is a bold and awful thing to do. He would have gone through with it, too, if not for the imprinting connection.

NEXT: Twilight: 10 Things About Jacob Black That Make No Sense

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