Red Dead Online Adds Prestigious Bounty Hunter License & New Bonuses

Veteran bounty hunters in Red Dead Online can now increase the profession’s rank even further with the newly added Prestigious Bounty Hunter License coupled with new in-game bonuses. The bounty hunter profession is one of the steadiest sources of income for RDO players, with legendary bounties requiring the most time and effort but also providing some of the biggest payouts. Some bounties have up to six targets, making the bounty wagon or a posse much more useful when trying to capture every fugitive alive.

Red Dead Online has encouraged players to log in daily to complete challenges and increase their daily challenge completion streak, thus augmenting their gold earnings. The bounty hunting profession is one of the more lucrative sources of gold - the currency used to purchase additional professions or to unlock new items in lieu of enough RDO cash. When combined with awards from the various Outlaw Passes and daily challenge streaks, the bounty hunters tend to have a steady stream of income.

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In a move to encourage the game’s community to return to Red Dead Online, Rockstar has added the Prestigious Bounty Hunter License as well as new bonuses. The Prestigious Bounty Hunter License can be acquired from any bounty board. The enhanced license adds new bounties to for players to acquire and ten more bounty hunter ranks for those who have reached the profession’s original max rank of 20. A new legendary bounty is also available, featuring a bank robber named Gene “Beau” Finley, with more legendary bounties to come. In addition, the fourth Outlaw Pass is now available, introducing more rewards, such as outfits, camp upgrades, bonus cash and 30 Gold Bars, and more.

Other bonuses added in the game’s latest update include a rebate of 10 Gold Bars and RDO$400 for players who purchase the new Outlaw Pass; a discount of five Gold Bars for players purchasing the Bounty Hunter role for the first time, as well as 40 percent off Bounty Hunter items up to rank 20; and discounts on camp equipment and decorations, as well as horses, stable slots, and certain weapons. Moreover, new log-in rewards are available, including 2,000 Club XP and 2,000 Bounty Hunter XP. Bounty Hunters rank five or higher will also receive a treasure map, while those rank 10 or higher will receive a free ability card upgrade.

Red Dead Online offers an entirely different online experience compared to GTA Online, with interactions between players being less chaotic. The Bounty Hunter role is a solid choice for those who love to immerse themselves in some vigilante experiences. The addition of 10 new ranks for the role should encourage players who put the game down to return for a while.

Players who have not logged into RDO in a while may find themselves with enough incentive to return to the game given the experience and cash bonuses implemented with the recent update. While the new legendary bounties and expansion of the Bounty Hunter role may not prevent the game from feeling repetitive again, it does offer a temporary breath of fresh air, even when trying to rank up other specialist roles. Seizing the opportunity to acquire some cosmetics and other items at a discount is also appealing.

Next: What’s Next For Red Dead Online?

Red Dead Online is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

Source: Rockstar

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