Snow Angels Introduces The Most Flawed Gods In Comics

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Snow Angels #2.

The deities in ComiXology's Snow Angels are so flawed that they just one-upped the many imperfect gods in comics that have made stupid decisions that end up being detrimental to their well-being. Probably the most recent example is Marvel's symbiote god Knull, who once took his vendetta against the "Light of the Creation" to such an extreme that even his own creations felt compelled to stop him, trapping him for eons. But now Snow Angels has provided somehow even more imperfect gods.

Written by Jeff Lemire with art by Jock, Snow Angels #2 reveals the mythology of the Colden Ones, a group of massive god-like beings who were somehow remarkably larger than the ice walls that now protect the Trenchfolk from the icy, desolate world around them. These gods might have been present since the beginning of time, but, like all gods before them, they became lonely. So they created life by removing a portion of themselves. The more they did this, the smaller and weaker they became until they had no choice but to hide beneath the ice to regain their energy.

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What's so remarkable about this is that the Colden Ones not only hurt themselves to create new life, but, in so doing, damned their own creations to an existence of hardships they could no longer protect them from. It's obvious that these gods were aware of how harsh and uninhabitable the land was, as they crafted so-called the Trench to help their creations survive. But they still endeavored to make more humans and animals to indulge their selfish desires regardless, even though they clearly became weaker in the process.

Wiser and more caring gods whose creations live in an unsafe, desolate environment and depend on their creators for survival would have had the foresight to stop doing what made them weaker, so they could protect their creations.

Although the actions and ambitions of Marvel's Knull would later turn his own creations against him, his only flaw is that he didn't create symbiotes that would later support all of his methodologies in obtaining his vision. Plus, Knull originally created the symbiotes to aid him in his quest to destroy the Light of the Creation, so they essentially went against their very purpose. Meanwhile, the Colden Ones from Snow Angels crafted beings who they knew wouldn't be able to easily survive on their own and ended up hurting themselves to make them to the point where they had to essentially go into hibernation to recover. In other words, Knull's main failing is that he didn't have enough control over his symbotes while the Colden Ones had the power to protect their helpless creations and yet failed by essentially killing themselves.

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