Star Wars: 10 LEGO Sets That Have Never Been Done (So Far)

The year 1999 was a big one for Star Wars fans. There was the release of The Phantom Menace, the first entry in George Lucas' prequel trilogy. And it also marked LEGO's debut adventure into a galaxy far, far away.

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The toy manufacturers released a variety of different sets to celebrate TPM hitting theatres and, in the years since, have pumped out many new recreations. However, not everything in the Star Wars movies has been brought to life in shiny, plastic form, with a few potential cool sets still missing in 2021.

10 Naboo Throne Room

Naboo is a Star Wars planet that has become iconic in the time since its first appearance. It's a beautiful place ruled by Queen Padme Amidala and features in all three of the prequels, albeit to varying degrees of prominence. While it's pretty, it's also, unfortunately, become associated with Anakin Skywalker's infamous 'I don't like sand' quote.

Yet the throne room is majestic and definitely deserving of the LEGO treatment. It's where Padme conducts numerous negotiations with the Trade Federation and is a popular battleground on the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 video game. Should it be made, it would allow obsessives to recreate some epic scenes from the first prequel movie - and they'd definitely be onto a winner.

9 The Senate

When The Phantom Menace first came out, some complained about the sheer amount of political talk crammed into the blockbuster. But nobody had an issue with the Senate chamber itself which, thanks to the use of some advanced technology, still holds up when compared to the special effects that go on in Hollywood today.

It's a grandiose building containing hundreds of small pods. It would obviously be a complicated set for the team at LEGO to put together but would certainly be worth the effort, especially considering it's the setting of the epic lightsaber duel between Palpatine and Yoda in Revenge Of the Sith.

8 The Jedi Temple

Also introduced in The Phantom Menace, and appearing again in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, is the Jedi temple. And out of all the sets on this list, this one arguably has the best potential of the lot.

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It could contain the Jedi chamber where the council congregates, putting Anakin Skywalker on the spot numerous times in the process. Another feature may include the library where Darth Vader goes on a murderous rampage in Revenge of the Sith. And it would certainly be worth including the training room where Yoda puts young Jedi through their paces. All in all, it's certainly a surprise this hasn't been done already.

7 Kamino

While Attack of the Clones released way back in 2002, finishing fourth in the box office standings for that year, LEGO still hasn't done anything with the planet of Kamino. It's a significant place, being the setting where Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi do battle while also being the birthplace of all the Clone troopers who, in time, would become stormtroopers for the loathsome Imperial Empire.

So this is another that deserves the brick treatment. Re-enacting the aforementioned scenes would be immense fun and it could contain rare Minifigures such as Jango, young Boba Fett, and even Lama Su, who makes the introduction between Kenobi and the Bounty Hunter.

6 The Petranaki Arena

When it comes to big battle sequences, Star Wars is never stingy with the action. And Attack of the Clones produced a memorable final fight at The Petranaki Arena on Geonosis, with Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padme Amidala all sentenced to death by Count Dooku having previously been captured.

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All three individuals face certain death but, fortunately, they're able to scrap their way to survival. LEGO has produced small Geonosis sets over the years but not the arena itself, which should include minifigures of the monsters, Dooku, and other Jedi as well. Fans have given it a go over the years but something official would definitely go down well.

5 The Lars Homestead

Of all the locations in Star Wars, the planet of Tatooine may just be the most memorable. Yet, despite that, there's still been no LEGO set of the Lars Homestead. This is where Obi-Wan leaves Luke Skywalker at the end of Revenge of the Sith, with the Jedi shown growing up there with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru during the events of A New Hope.

There are rumors this may indeed come out in 2021 but, until there's clarification, it's merely speculation for the time being. If true, minifigures of Luke, Owen, Beru, and Kenobi should all be considered essentials, given their association with the place.

4 Yavin Temple

LEGO has released some massive sets in recent years, especially when it comes to Star Wars. Large-scale versions of Endor, Bespin, and Tatooine have all been released to great receptions. And another that deserves the same treatment is the Yavin Temple, which appears in A New Hope and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Given A New Hope is arguably the greatest title of the original trilogy, and it's the place where the Rebel Alliance orchestrates the destruction of the first Death Star, it wouldn't be a surprise to see a huge version of Yabvin brought to life in plastic form. Minifigures such as Mon Mothma, Leia Organa, and Jyn Erso - all in their appropriate outfits - must all be included.

3 Canto Bight

Star Wars: The Last Jedi certainly split opinion upon coming out back in 2017. And scenes set at Canto Bight appeared to attract much negativity, probably because they took place at the same time things between Kylo Ren, Rey, and Supreme Leader Snoke were coming to a head.

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However, while that's the case, Canto Bight looked fantastic. Everything was golden and the casinos and fondness for gambling made it a hive unlike anything else seen before. Rian Johnson may have had criticism leveled his way but a Canto Bight LEGO set would still be appreciated regardless, especially for people eager to recreate the eighth movie in the saga.

2 Death Star Ruins

LEGO has released some smaller sets over the years and, for lightsaber duels within the saga, that's a move that certainly makes sense. There was the Mustafar battle pack, while a special set was constructed for Luke and Darth Vader's showdown on Bespin. So, for The Rise of Skywalker, the fight between Rey and Kylo Ren should get the same treatment.

It is, after all, a memorable moment: the grandchildren of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, the two biggest bad guys in the whole saga, locking sabers. A minifigure of Han Solo would also be pretty sweet given how he pops up, turning Ben Solo back to the light side of the force despite being murdered on Starkiller Base two movies previously.

1 Exegol

Speaking of battles, nothing regarding Exegol has been put together so far. Which, when considering it's the place Palpatine is finally defeated after all these years, means it warrants being given the LEGO treatment.

Ben Solo and Rey, with their blue lightsabers, would have to be included. And so would an updated minifigure of Palpatine, perhaps with a rotating head to represent his rise back to full power. Exegol was a brilliant planet to introduce in the final movie of the saga, one that could be revisited further down the line.

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