Friends: Ross & Rachel's Relationship Timeline, Season By Season

Ross and Rachel are arguably the central couple of Friends - and their relationship is on-again/off-again from the pilot episode right to the finale! It actually started before the pilot, in fact, as the flashbacks over the years show that Ross has had a crush on Rachel since she was in High School, and he was just Monica's dorky older brother to her.

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From there, the two had a long love story, and a huge number of ups and downs. From their famous 'break' to the accidental pregnancy, living together, living apart, dating (and marrying) other people, and the final moment that they decide to give it one last try, these two have a relationship like no other - so it can be hard to keep it all straight! Here's where they were in each season of the show.

10 Season 1 - Ross's Unrequited Love

For almost all of the first season, this love story is entirely one-sided. Rachel still sees Ross primarily as Monica's brother, and is busy starting her new life, getting over Barry, figuring out how those 'job' things work, and having a rebound fling with Paolo. Ross, meanwhile, spends the entire season pining after Rachel, and slowly becoming closer with her. In the end, Ross heads out to China on a dig, and Rachel finally realizes how he feels about her thanks to an expensive gift - and that she reciprocates. The finale throws a wrench in it all, though, as it reveals that Ross has started a relationship on his work trip, with Julie.

9 Season 2 - Dating For The First Time

Season 2 starts with Ross and Julie dating, and Rachel pining after Ross, in a reversal of the previous season. However, this ends up resolved when Ross finds out that Rachel has feelings for him, and he ends up leaving Julie to be with her. This is also the season of the 'list' that nearly stops them dating again, and the prom video that launches them into full-blown coupledom, and they wrap up the season still happily in a relationship.

8 Season 3 - The Break & The Beachhouse

Season 3 is one of the biggest seasons for Ross & Rachel, because this is the one that sees them go from a happy couple to broken up... and potentially to back together again! By this season, Ross and Rachel are approaching their first anniversary, and as fans know, this is where it all goes wrong. Rachel's work takes up her time, Ross is jealous of Mark, they have a huge fight that ends with 'taking a break', and as every fan knows, Ross ends up sleeping with someone else.

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Their breakup is possibly the biggest event in this season, and multiple episodes revolve around the fight, the break, and the aftermath, as they struggle to spend any time together. Eventually, though it's clear they still have feelings for each other, Ross starts dating Bonnie - but Rachel is actively trying to sabotage the relationship. At the end of the season, a cliffhanger sees Ross torn between Rachel and Bonnie, although the reveal of who he chooses is left till season 4.

7 Season 4 - Make-Ups, Break-Ups, & Emily

Season 4 is another major on-again, off-again season for Ross and Rachel - and thankfully, fans do get a bit of a break from the ups and downs after this one, even if only for a season or so! The premiere for the season reveals that Ross chose Rachel, but after a short time dating, they break up again - and it's still over if they were on a break or not (and if Ross should have stayed awake to read Rachel's long letter to him). After this breakup, it seems like things are done, especially when Ross meets Emily. After a truly whirlwind romance, the two decide to get married, but the season ends with another Rachel twist. She heads to London to break up the wedding, changes her mind... and then Ross says her name at the altar.

6 Season 5 - Actually Just Friends

For the first time, season 5 is one where the two are basically just friends. Yes, there is some occasional chemistry, a little leftover tension, but overall, their relationship is platonic from start to finish. Ross is dealing with the fallout from his wedding (and then his divorce), and Rachel has a few dates, but nothing serious. Of course, this is just a blip, and things are about to get complicated with them again, when they head out to Vegas with the gang...

5 Season 6 - Married In Vegas

Season 6 starts with Ross and Rachel getting married... but only because they are blackout drunk in Vegas. It ends up being a huge part of the season, though, as Ross is so upset about having 'three divorces by thirty' that he refuses to actually get the marriage annulled.

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After a lot of back and forth, though, they finally get the divorce, and Ross briefly dates Elizabeth, a college student, while Rachel dates her father (a truly awkward situation). By the end of things, they have returned to the kind of friendly dynamic they had in season 5.

4 Season 7 - A Season Of Almost

For much of season 7, things stay at this kind of friendly even keel, which, after all the ups and downs of the relationship, is a bit of a relief. However, the show can't go too long without throwing in something for Ross and Rachel, so they do almost sleep together in the episode that Monica and Chandler get engaged. It doesn't actually happen, of course, but there are a few hints that there is still something between them as well as this.

3 Season 8 - Rachel Is Pregnant

After the almost-sleeping-together of the previous season, it's revealed in season 8 that Ross and Rachel did actually sleep together... and now Rachel is pregnant. Unsurprisingly, this storyline takes over the season for the two of them, and although they are not back together as a couple, planning to raise a family together is a huge deal for them! Ross does date Mona in the season, too, but Rachel's pregnancy takes over, and ends up breaking the two of them up, leaving the way clear for Ross and Rachel... until Joey comes along, of course.

2 Season 9 - Joey, Ross, Rachel & Emma

Season 8 ends with Rachel having her baby, and season 9 starts with all kinds of confusion, as Ross thinks about proposing to Rachel, and she ends up thinking Joey did! Ross and Rachel do talk about the possibility of getting back together, which is a strong sign to fans that this is where the relationship is going, but in the end, Rachel knows that taking care of a newborn is going to be taking up all of her time - and that trying again right then isn't what she wants.

By the end of the season, though, things are getting more complicated. Ross and Rachel seem to have hit a good co-parenting balance, but Joey has admitted that he has feelings for Rachel. At first, she doesn't reciprocate, then she does, but Joey is now dating Charlie, the woman that Ross was hoping to ask out. It's a complicated variant on a love triangle, and one that fans definitely didn't love. By the end of the season, in a huge twist, Rachel and Joey are now involved.

1 Season 10 - She Got Off The Plane

Ten years in, and Ross and Rachel seem no closer to actually being in a functional relationship - despite a wedding and a baby in the meantime! This season starts with the much-maligned Joey/Rachel relationship, while Ross attempts to date Charlie. After a short while, though, both these relationships fizzle out, and things seem clear for Ross and Rachel... until she gets a job offer in Paris! The show crams in a little final back and forth for the two when it seems that she might just leave, and there's no resolution until the finale, when Rachel changes her mind and comes back to Ross. It's finally a conclusion, and even then, with their history, they might not make it!

NEXT: Friends - Unnecessary Lies Rachel Told

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