Summer House: Paige Dragged for Her Snobbiness & Treatment of Perry

Paige DeSorbo has now joined the ranks of the most-hated Summer House stars amid upset over Hannah Berner's lack of accountability. The backlash comes after Hannah was called out by the majority of the cast over her mean girl antics on and off the show. With Paige trying to defend her best friend at the reunion show while having relationship issues of her own, viewers have grown tired of the two not taking ownership of their actions.

After two seasons of being involved with her boyfriend, Perry Rahbar, Paige ended the season as a single woman. The two appeared to be at odds over their summers spent apart. Paige would head out to the Hamptons to hang out with her friends, while Perry skipped out from attending due to him not wanting to be filmed for the show. The distance and different pages they were on relationship-wise led to their split. During the reunion, Paige boasted about finally being in a place where she is happy with herself and focused on what she wants in life.

Related: Summer House: Hannah Allegedly Under Investigation By Mental Health Sponsor

But with her being best friends with the show's public enemy number one, viewers are noticing the similarities between Hannah and Paige's actions. During the reunion, Hannah broke down in tears after Carl Radke confronted her about the drug accusations she made about him on her show a few years back. While she appeared remorseful, Paige was quick to jump to defend her Giggly Squad cohost with claims that she wasn't a bad person. The move upset a number of viewers, including one Redditor who started a thread complaining about how "unlikable" Paige has become. "Oh my god how does anyone like her... she’s HORRID to Perry, she’s a snobby, stuck up spoiled overgrown child! She’s worse than Hannah!!," the Redditor said in frustration.

Another viewer joined the discussion and praised Carl, Kyle, Amanda, and Danielle for staying true to the original essence of the show, which was friends coming to the Hamptons to hang out for the weekend. "Watching Paige and Hannah act like 16 year olds laying in bed all day, being bratty, mean, and self absorbed is NOT what I love about the format of this show," they said. "Plus: she’s problematic. She’s made a lot of comments herself and gotten away with it cause she’s cute." Others commended the show's original cast members for portraying authenticity on the show and not love for fame and attention.

"The OG (older) cast are on this show to have fun and use it to further their careers to some extent (lover boy) but they are still hustling," they said. "Hannah and Paige want to be influencers. Their end goal is to be famous and they don’t care how they treat people in the process." From the looks of it, viewers could do without Hannah and Paige next season unless they're ready to take accountability and be more committed to maintaining genuine friendships in the house. They might not be getting the attention they hoped for, but that's what comes with reality TV fame.

Next: Summer House: Paige Slammed for Allegedly Enabling Hannah's Behavior

Source: Reddit

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