5 Of The Best Relatives In The BoJack Horseman Series (& 5 Of The Worst)

In BoJack Horseman, all of the main characters are flawed to some degree. Diane can be hypocritical, Todd is immature, Mr. Peanutbutter tends to be impulsive, Princess Carolyn tries too hard to fix people, and BoJack has a litany of problems.

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Some of their imperfections come from having terrible role models growing up, whether it be their parents or siblings. As a result, all of them suffer some significant low points during the show. However, each of them also has several ups to go with those downs. These moments of joy are often brought about by the more positive familial relationships in their lives. So, which are the best and worst relatives in the series?

10 Best: Captain Peanutbutter (Mr. Peanutbutter’s Brother)

Mr. Peanutbutter's brother, Captain Peanutbutter, isn't too dissimilar to himself. They're both incredibly upbeat, loyal, and friendly, which comes from the fact that they're dogs. Although, in his first appearance, Captain Peanutbutter does showcase a depressive side due to his medical problems.

But, once he's feeling better, the Labrador becomes a wholesome member of the show, as well as a good brother to Mr. Peanutbutter. The only downside to the siblings' relationship is that they tend to avoid difficult conversations, yet that's nothing compared to the problems most families in the series have.

9 Worst: Pa Nguyen (Diane’s Father)

Few characters in the show have as terrible of a family as Diane. All of her relatives constantly bully and berate her. Based on the way Diane talks about her father, he seems to be the worst. At one point, she reveals that her dad never supported anything she did and was happy to see her fail.

In a season five flashback, viewers get to see his type of parenting during a short conversation. Throughout the interaction, he talks down to his daughter multiple times and refuses to speak about her heritage. His mean behavior probably rubbed off on his sons, explaining their awful attitudes.

8 Best: Honey Sugarman (BoJack’s Grandmother)

If Honey Sugarman featured in more episodes, she'd likely be among the most likable characters in the series. It's unclear if she ever met her grandson BoJack, but she is a caring mother to her daughter Beatrice and her son Crackerjack.

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Plus, the horse is generally a spirited and witty individual. Unfortunately, Crackerjack's death destroys the mother. Her mental health deteriorates, and she ends up having to have a lobotomy. So, after her son's passing, she's not the world's best mom, but she can't really be blamed.

7 Worst: Joseph Sugarman (BoJack’s Grandfather)

Some of the blame for Honey Sugarman's fall for grace can be put on her husband, Joseph. It's not his fault that Crackerjack dies, but he isn't there for his wife when she clearly needs his help. He spends a lot of time at work, and, when he is home, he isn't very caring.

His messed-up work-life balance doesn't just become a concern once Crackerjack has passed, as even before that, he doesn't spend much time with his family. Moreover, he's incredibly sexist, which is due to him being a product of his time.

6 Best: Judah Mannowdog (Princess Carolyn’s Husband)

When he first enters the show, Judah Mannowdog works for Princess Carolyn as her assistant. Eventually, though, they form feelings for one another, and, by the end, he becomes her husband. During it all, he's fiercely loyal to Princess Carolyn in both a professional and personal capacity.

Not only does he treat her well, but he's also a good adoptive father to her daughter, Ruthie. Fans also like the man, as he provides plenty of laughs with his overly serious demeanor. In fact, he is one of the funniest supporting characters in the series.

5 Worst: Cutie Cutie Cupcake (Princess Carolyn’s Mother)

Princess Carolyn is an obsessive workaholic and has a tendency to try to fix people, and this is because of her mother, Cutie Cutie Cupcake. As a kid—or kitten, rather—Carolyn had to do everything for her family because her mother was an alcoholic who didn't look after her offspring.

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Although Cupcake's addiction and laziness aren't her worst traits, that would be her cruelty. On one occasion, the cat actually criticizes her daughter for having a miscarriage. Later, she tries to emotionally blackmail poor Carolyn into staying with her and not going to college. Princess Carolyn becomes a success despite her upbringing, not because of it.

4 Best: Hollyhock (BoJack’s Half-Sister)

Upon entering the show, Hollyhock seems to be BoJack's daughter. Yet, it's later revealed that the young horse is actually his half-sister due to Butterscotch Horseman having an affair. She is a lot more kind-hearted and caring than both her brother and father, but she does share some of BoJack's insecurities and anxieties.

For a while, the long-lost siblings form a pretty strong bond, and she starts to be a positive influence on BoJack. Eventually, though, details of his past discretions come out, and she understandably cuts ties with him, unlike many of the other loved ones he's hurt.

3 Worst: Beatrice Horseman (BoJack’s Mother)

When BoJack Horseman fans consider terrible relatives, they likely think of Beatrice Horseman. The titular character's mother is so appalling that it's hard to summarize all of her faults. Through flashbacks, viewers see her belittle, neglect, emotionally blackmail, and verbally abuse poor BoJack.

Her awfulness likely comes from her difficult childhood. In her youth, her brother died, and her mother had a lobotomy. Despite her rough upbringing, it's hard to feel a lot of sympathy for the woman because of how badly she treats her son. She is a big reason BoJack becomes the flawed horseman shown in the show.

2 Best: Guy (Diane’s Husband)

Throughout the series, Diane has a couple of different love interests. Her best partner, though, is definitely Guy. The laid-back Bison cares for Diane deeply and always supports her.

His kind and understanding nature is vital in helping with her depression, and, by the end of the show, Diane is actually content for the first time in many years. She, of course, deserves the most credit for getting a handle on her mental health issues, but it might not have been possible without Guy's influence. The two of them certainly have the most successful relationship in the series.

1 Worst: Butterscotch Horseman (BoJack’s Father)

During one flashback of the show, BoJack catches his father having an affair. To keep his infidelity a secret, Butterscotch gets his (seemingly underage) son passed out drunk, and then blackmails him. That incident alone proves how awful of a father Butterscotch is, but there's more. He also hits his son, criticizes everything he does and blames him for ruining his life.

The series never goes into Butterscotch's backstory, so, unlike Beatrice, he can't blame some of his wickedness on a difficult childhood. He's just a despicable horseman who gave his son little chance of becoming a well-adjusted member of society.

NEXT: 10 Times BoJack Horseman Was a Good Person

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