Dormammu vs Thanos: Which Marvel Villain Would Win a Comic Fight

Thanos the Mad Titan and Dormammu of the Dark Dimension are two of the most powerful villains in the Marvel Comics universe, each wielding supreme power - but which one would win in a fight? The Marvel Cinematic Universe has showcased both characters at their absolute height in Doctor Strange and Avengers: Infinity War, but the villains as seen on film pale in comparison to their original counterparts - both Thanos and Dormammu are far more powerful in the comics. Should the two ever come to blows, which über-villain would topple the other and reign supreme?

Though both characters are equally feared by many in the Marvel Universe, Dormammu was created first; making his debut in Strange Tales #126 in 1964, the Stan Lee-penned story saw the ruler of the Dark Dimension attack the Earth, only to be stopped by Doctor Strange in a magical battle. He displayed only a fraction of the power he would later wield but was still a formidable foe (with considerable build-up from Strange's master, the Ancient One). For his part, Thanos first appeared in The Invincible Iron Man #55 in a story written by Jim Starlin in 1968. The story included Drax the Destroyer and established Thanos' home of Titan, his brother Eros and his lust for power. Thanos wouldn't be tied to his signature weapons, the Infinity Stones (originally called gems in the comics) until much later, along with his quest to win the love of Death: the personification of decay and entropy in the Marvel Universe.

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Even without the Infinity Gems, Thanos is a powerhouse. He's used scientific knowledge to augment his body - and combined with his already-durable Titan physiology, can endure most attacks. He can weather strikes from Drax, the Hulk, and Thor's Mjolnir. Even the mightiest shouts from Black Bolt can't bring him down. But with the Infinity Gems, Thanos acquires the powers of a god: he can destroy stars, manipulate the fabric of time and space, and perform his most famous act: killing half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers. Thanos with the gem/stones is one of the strongest beings in the universe...but so is anyone who holds the Gauntlet. Perhaps one of the few beings in the universe who wouldn't take the stones is Dormammu - because he doesn't need them.

Dormammu is one of the greatest threats Doctor Strange has ever faced and has only grown in power since his debut. He's a terrifying interdimensional entity that reigns supreme within his home, the Dark Dimension - and is no slouch outside of it either. He has fought Eternity itself (another personification of a fundamental force of the universe - essentially the opposite of Death), is capable of defeating Mephisto and Odin. Dormammu isn't just a threat to all life, he's a threat to the universe's very existence, and only near-omnipotent beings like the Living Tribunal can hold him at bay. Against Dormammu, Thanos without the Infinity Stones is already dead; it's only a matter of time. But Thanos with the stones? It all depends on where the battle is fought.

In the Dark Dimension, Dormammu can win nearly any fight. Thanos has no hope of achieving victory in Dormammu's realm. If the fight were to happen in normal space and Thanos was able to make the first move with the stones, he might be able to win. The Reality Gem can turn Dormammu into a human, or an ant; the Time Gem can send him to the heat death of the universe; all six could wipe him from existence. Thanos' only hope is to make the first move. Anything less than that and Dormammu can turn Thanos inside out and reduce him to atoms...and that's only if Dormammu was feeling merciful.

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