Prodigal Son: 10 Smartest Characters | ScreenRant

After two seasons and 33 episodes, Fox's medical crime drama Prodigal Son was canceled in May of 2021. Despite the cancellation, the show became notable in part due to its collection of intelligent criminals and police officers alike. Characters on the show operate on both sides of the law, using their superior intellect to excel as psychological profilers, doctors, lawyers, successful entrepreneurs, investigative journalists, medical examiners, and more.

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Much of the drama centers on Bright's contentious relationship with his father, Martin Whitly (Michael Sheen), a notorious serial killer known as The Surgeon. With a copycat killer on the loose, Bright must use his vast intelligence to capture the suspect.

10 Vijay Chandasara

Malcolm's childhood friend Vijay Chandasara (Dhruv Singh) exhibited his vast intelligence in "The Job," the 16th Episode of Season 1. Using his advanced knowledge of insurance law for his day job as an upscale jeweler's agent, Vijay's intelligence also allows him to save Malcolm's life.

After reuniting with Malcolm at a crime scene, Vijay uses his investigative smarts to shed light on a string of robberies and link the crimes to a gang from his past. Later, Vijay further shows his intelligence by deciphering a coded message left by Malcolm, which enables him to drive a van into Malcolm's attacker and save his life.

9 Edrisa Tanaka

As the NYPD's chief medical examiner, the brilliant but socially awkward Edrisa Tanaka (Keiko Agena) is among the smartest Prodigal Son characters. What she lacks in social skills she more than atones for with her incisive forensic work and trenchant criminal observations.

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While assisting several investigations, Edrisa develops an unreciprocated crush on Malcolm and is thrilled when he comes to her for intel regarding the deceased assassin case. Edrisa is also shrewd enough to determine the murderous cause of death for a reported suicide victim by differentiating the water in her lungs from the water from the river she was found in.

8 Nicholas Endicott

The influential pharmaceutical magnate Dr. Nicholas Endicott (Dermot Mulroney) has used his superior intellect in the medical field to be one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in New York City. Moreover, he uses his cunning to skirt the law, cover his tracks, and remain unsuspected in his hidden connection with Martin Whitly.

Nicholas further proves his criminal mastermind by staging Eve's death as suicide and framing Malcolm for the death of an assassin named Eddie. Nicholas also uses his wits to frame Martin for a prison escape attempt and seduces Martin's wife Jessica to ensure he has no agency or allyship.

7 Vivian Capshaw

Season 2 addition Dr. Vivian Capshaw (Catherine Zeta-Jones) immediately established her supreme intellect on the show by manipulating Martin into having a sexual affair with her. In addition to deftly navigating a blackmail scheme from Friar Pete, the M.D. manages to secretly kidnap Martin.

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In the penultimate episode of the series, Vivian uses her surgical acumen to intentionally botch Malcolm's surgery and leave home for dead. When the plan fails, she shrewdly stabs herself and blames Martin in one of the show's most disturbing moments.

6 Gil Arroyo

As a Harvard grad and the most decorated lieutenant in NYPD's Major Crimes division, Gil Arroyo (Lou Diamond Phillips) exhibits his superior investigative knowledge time and time again.

After arresting Martin years prior, Gil recruits Malcolm to be his partner while also serving as a de facto father figure. Knowing what's best for Malcolm as well as solving a rash of grisly crimes in the city, Gil is both streetwise and book-smart in a way that his subordinates can only aspire to.

5 Ainsley Whitly

Malcolm's highly driven and privately educated younger sister Ainsley Whitly (Halston Sage) also proves her intellectual prowess throughout the series. Working as a knowledgeable TV reporter, the Columbia Journalism School grad has access to the city in ways most do not.

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In addition to breaking several crucial news stories, Ainsley is the one who ultimately discovered her father's connection with Nicholas Endicott, whom Martin blackmailed for a lenient prison sentence. Upon learning Endicott's master plan, she is wise enough to prevent him at the highest cost: his life.

4 Gabrielle Le Deux

With an ostensible Ph.D. in psychology, Dr. Gabrielle Le Deux (Charlayne Woodard) has served as Malcolm's childhood psychoanalyst since his father was arrested for the murder of 23 girls in the 1990s. With her express knowledge of the human psyche, Gabrielle assists Malcolm in overcoming his PTSD.

Malcolm visits Gabrielle whenever he has a troubling dream or twisted theory. More often than not, she wisely guides him to remain calm and never give in to his violent urges and self-destructive tendencies while encouraging him to seek more romance in his life. Knowing what's best, Gabrielle guides Malcolm to be the best version of himself.

3 Eve Blanchard

Another smart character on Prodigal Son includes Eve Blanchard (Molly Griggs), a lawyer dedicated to combating human trafficking. As Malcolm's love interest in Season 1, the whipsmart legal scholar provides vital clues to her long-lost sister's whereabouts.

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Eve's biological sister Sophie Sanders was long thought to be one of Martin's murder victims known as The Girl in the Box. Twenty years after her supposed murder, Eve provides Malcolm with the crucial info that leads to the discovery that she is still alive and well and living under an alias.

2 Malcolm Bright

Given his titular nickname and surname, it's no surprise that Prodigal Son Malcolm Bright is among the two smartest characters on the show. By channeling his PTSD-ridden demons to get inside the minds of various serial killers, Malcolm is able to solve the most mysterious murders in NYC.

As the son of the brilliant but deranged serial killer Martin Whitly, Malcolm's unique intellect allows him to catch clues at crime scenes that his contemporaries are unable to. This advantage allows Malcolm to climb the ranks of the FBI to comes the most brilliant criminal profiler on staff.

1 Martin Whitly

Despite murdering 23 women, Martin Whitly is painted as the smartest character on the show. Much like Hannibal Lecter, the world-famous surgeon uses his own criminal mastermind to help catch others, while also trying to groom his son Malcolm to be a copycat killer.

Aside from being a once-brilliant surgeon, Martin's smartest ploy was blackmailing Nicholas Endicott to earn a life sentence at the luxurious Claremont Psychiatric Hospital rather than prison. The master manipulator uses his wits and wiles to trick the authorities time and time again on the show.

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