8 Unpopular Opinions About The Vampire Diaries Ships, According To Reddit

There were so many love triangles in The Vampire Diaries that fans often found themselves at a crossroads. Between Delena and Stelena and Klaroline and Steroline, the series managed to elicit strong opinions from fans and found a way to stir the pot more with each season.

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While some love triangles were more controversial than others, the main ships had a decent amount of people in both camps. No matter which relationship viewers were personally rooting for, most accept that there are upsides and downsides to each. Still, there will always be people who disagree with the majority, and fans took to Reddit to express their unpopular opinions about these supernatural romances.

8 Lily And Enzo Made More Sense Than Bonenzo

It came as no surprise that viewers were off-put when Enzo confessed his love for Damon and Stefan's mom. Nothing happened between them, other than an awkward kiss, and Bonenzo quickly stole the spotlight. One Reddit user doesn't feel like Bonnie is Enzo's best fit, and states that they "find it believable that Enzo will fall in love with the woman who saves his life," rather than "a girl who he barely had friendly interaction with."

But Bonnie and Enzo fall in love after they were in forced proximity for two years. Enzo hid Bonnie in a cabin to protect her from the Armory, and their romance was built upon the friendship they had formed. Additionally, Bonnie has saved Enzo's life several times, even when it meant putting her own at risk.

7 Delena's Endgame Was Forced

Delena shippers all over the world rejoiced when Nina Dobrev returned for the series finale of The Vampire Diaries to give Damon and Elena their happy ending. But it wasn't a happy ending for everyone, and Reddit user Bamonite refers to the pairing as "Dullena" and states that their endgame was "painfully awful." They also argue that it was forced and they "would have preferred Damon dying," over what actually happened.

Considering how many ships there are, not everyone was satisfied with how the show wrapped up. However, there are scenes that prove Damon and Elena were soulmates in The Vampire Diaries, and a large chunk of the show was devoted to their love story. Because Delena was built up for years, not many viewers think they were forced together.

6 Stebekah Had Great Chemistry

Stefan and Rebekah had a relationship decades before the series premiered, and they even briefly rekindled their old flame in The Vampire Diaries season 4. They're not a ship with a lot of buzz surrounding them, but a rewatch made one Reddit user realize that "Rebekah and Stefan were great together."

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They further their argument by saying that Rebekah deserved happiness "after being betrayed by every single person she loved." Although the user labeled it as such, this isn't too unpopular of an opinion. Rebekah is beloved by fans and most want her to find a fulfilling relationship. But even if they did have good chemistry, several people in the comments pointed out that they brought out the worst in each other.

5 Carenzo Should've Been Explored Instead Of Bonenzo

There was a brief time in The Vampire Diaries season 6, in which it appeared that a romance could develop between Enzo and Caroline. It never came to fruition, as the writers opted for Bonenzo and Steroline instead, but Reddit user cristinaa14 wishes it had. They state that a "Caroline and Enzo relationship should've been explored instead of Enzo and Bonnie."

To be fair, many fans were intrigued by the possibility of Corenzo and wouldn't have minded seeing where things went. However, wanting them to end up together is an unpopular opinion, as those who didn't already want Caroline to be with Klaus, wanted her to be with Stefan. Caroline had several viable love interests already, and Bonenzo earned the approval of fans.

4 Stelena Isn't Healthier Than Delena

A good majority of fans agree that Damon and Elena's relationship in the teen drama hasn't aged well, and believe Stefan and Elena are a better couple. But Reddit user bluepeach69 argues that Stelena is not as healthy as people claim. They acknowledge that the supernatural aspect of the series makes all the romances toxic, but the user doesn't think that "Delena is much more toxic than Stelena."

This is an unpopular opinion because everything Damon has done to Elena is unforgivable. There were plenty of unhealthy aspects about Stefan and Elena's relationship, but Damon forced himself on Elena, killed her brother after she rejected him, and later murdered her friend to punish her (which was really Katherine) for breaking up with him.

3 Steroline Made The Most Sense As A Couple

Given that Klaroline is a fan-favorite ship and Stelena also has a decent following, most fans weren't happy when Stefan and Caroline went from best friends to more. In a thread asking for unpopular opinions, Reddit user LongWaysForResults expresses their approval of the couple and argues that "best friends falling for one another made a lot of sense."

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While it does make sense, in theory, this is an unpopular opinion because the romance felt forced. Stefan stated multiple times that he didn't see Caroline that way, and even their first kiss didn't change his mind. Not all love is required, and just like Stefan and Lexi, sometimes best friends really are just best friends. The series eventually threw them together, but Caroline always put more into the relationship than she got out of it.

2 Beremy Deserved Better

Bonnie and Jeremy had an on and off relationship throughout the first half of The Vampire Diaries. Things first started going downhill after Jeremy cheated on her with the ghost of his dead girlfriend, but many viewers actually preferred that relationship. Reddit user Dazzling_Ambition878 expresses the unpopular opinion that "Beremy had good chemistry and deserved better writing."

But the main issue fans had with this romance was that it lacked chemistry, so better writing likely wouldn't help in that retrospect. Bonnie may have been Jeremy's most serious love interest, but Anna was arguably his best. Additionally, fans saw more sparks between Bonnie and Enzo, and even Bonnie and Damon, than they did with Beremy.

1 Klaroline Would Have Been An Awful Couple Like Delena

The timeline of TVDU is complicated, but Klaus and Caroline's evolution of their romance can be tracked in a logical way. They were a fan-favorite ship in The Vampire Diaries and kissed right before Klaus's death in the series finale of The Originals. Circumstances kept them from ever being a couple, and one Reddit user is thankful "because it may [have] ended up being awful, like Delena."

They express that Elena's willingness to go against her morals for Damon ruined her character, and fear the same thing would happen with Caroline. This is an unpopular opinion because the show does a good job of disproving it. Caroline fought her feelings for Klaus and made it clear that he had to earn her friendship. Their dynamic in The Originals is much more wholesome and evolved, as Caroline even says that Klaus has become a good person—which is all she'd ever wanted.

NEXT: 10 Ways Elena & Stefan Are The Most Relatable Couple From The Vampire Diaries

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