Wonder Woman: 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Comics, According To Reddit

Wonder Woman is one of DC Comic's most beloved superheroes. With her lasso of truth and her desire for peace amongst men, Diana Prince has proved herself to be a role model for all children, no matter their gender. Ever since her initial debut in 1941, Diana has fought to spread her message of love and compassion alongside her fellow members of the Justice League of America.

Related: 5 Heroes In Wonder Woman Comics That Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

At the same time, Diana has had more polarizing aspects of her character, and the users of Reddit have turned their attention towards her on more than one occasion. Several users have shared unpopular opinions towards Wonder Woman, whether they be about her characterization or DC's utilization of her in the comics.

10 She Needs More Focus On Her Core Values

From ambassador of peace to proud Amazon warrior, Wonder Woman has taken on a variety of roles throughout her comics career. So many, in fact, that one fan on Reddit argues that it might be too many, as Redditor csummers says that the comics "need another big name writer to take over the title and have them focus more so on her values than violence." They also pitch the idea of Diana helping out women struggling with real-life issues, similarly to an acclaimed scene from All-Star Superman.

Despite some of Wonder Woman's more embarrassing comics moments, her incarnation in the DCEU seems to carry the same values that the character was originally conceived as carrying. There may still be hope for Diana to eventually return to her roots.

9 It's Okay That She's The First Superhero

Throughout DC comic history, editorial mandates and retcons have tampered with the exact timeline of which superhero emerged when, recently putting Wonder Woman as the first superhero before figures such as Black Adam and the Martian Manhunter. While some fans were irritated by the constant changes in continuity, one poster on Reddit admitted that they did not mind the idea.

As Redditor DampfGecko says "Let's just hope that this is now a definitive origin story for Diana." Without a doubt, the change does give Wonder Woman some extra significance that she hasn't enjoyed in a while and helps her to be relevant to fans. A majority of commenters hesitantly agreed, being more jaded by the constant reboots than actually opposed.

8 She Should Be With Superman

Both Superman and Wonder Woman are considered to be amongst the Justice League's most powerful heroes. The two have had a slow-burning love affair over the years, even getting married at some points. A fan of the pairing took to Reddit to offer their opinions on the pairing, expressing the belief that Clark and Diana brought out the best in one another and deserved to be together.

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Redditor dokebibeats said that they "really dug their chemistry and their status as a pwoer couple." Unfortunately for this poster, most of the comments disagreed, stating that the ship was reductive for Diana's character and relegated her to the background. It's possible to write a good relationship between Superman and Wonder Woman, but most fans seem soured towards the idea.

7 She Shouldn't Be With Batman

Batman and Wonder Woman share an odd friendship with each other in the comics and have even fallen in love despite their opposing ideals. While most fans enjoy the pairing, one on Reddit by the name of KingMatthew116 claims that not only are they a bad couple but that Batman might be the "worst" possible love interest for Wonder Woman. They elaborate that she should either end up with Steve Trevor or nobody at all.

It's perfectly acceptable to conclude that Bruce and Diana work better as friends or just don't seem compatible as a couple. An all-or-nothing approach to Diana's love life, however, seems unnecessarily harsh and limiting of a conclusion to come to.

6 She's Overrated

As the three most popular superheroes from DC, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman all make up what's known as "the Trinity." Some fans have grown bitter from what appears to be an oversaturation of the Trinity, and a fan on Reddit took umbrage that other DC characters hadn't been given the same limelight. Redditor HeroWither123456 said that "there are plenty of DC Comics characters that are just as good, or even better, than Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman."

When it comes to DC Comics, it's not necessarily about the characters on their own, but rather the stories and conflicts that they are forced to contend with. It's true that the DC Universe has plenty of characters just as deserving of screentime, but at the same time, there is a reason the Trinity is so popular: they have some of the best stories.

5 She's Not Attractive

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and most fans can agree that Wonder Woman's Amazonian physique and stunning features make her one of DC Comic's most attractive heroes. Meanwhile on Reddit, however, one contrarian named Error0101 claimed that Diana only ranked as "a 4 or 5/10 at best". To their credit, they do admit that they seem to be the only person to hold this opinion.

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It's hard to follow this poster's logic, especially when they provide no guidelines to what they consider attractive. Overall, Wonder Woman's looks are beside the point; even if she weren't statuesque, she would still be primarily known as an advocate for truth and love.

4 She's Underdeveloped

It's readily apparent that of the DC Trinity, Wonder Woman has less focus than her male counterparts. A Redditor with an avid love for Wonder Woman named auflyne laid out their ideas for how to give Wonder Woman more development, ranging from a "more stable direction" to take her through to "utilizing her own unique villains" more often. It's clear this poster adores Wonder Woman a lot, as many of their suggestions come from love rather than cynicism.

While DC seems to be giving Wonder Woman a bigger focus in non-comic media, the comics themselves have yet to follow suit. With fans as motivated as this poster, however, it's possible that Diana and her supporting cast can receive more spotlight down the line.

3 She Doesn't Have Motivations

A major critique of Wonder Woman's earliest comics states that Diana is seemingly motivated to leave Themiscyra by falling in love with Steve Trevor shortly after his arrival. One Reddit post, however, takes a step beyond by questioning exactly what motivates Diana as a character. According to homeworkanxiety, they can't seem to figure out "her deal" or her exact goals and aspirations.

As many fans pointed out in the comments, Diana's wants aren't concrete desires, but rather the pursuit of a more abstract concept. Wonder Woman wishes to bring the Amazons' message of peace to the world, and not because of personal gain, but because it's the right thing to do.

2 She's A Bad Character

One completely incomprehensible Reddit post claims that Wonder Woman is a poorly written character. While it's true that DC Comics has written quite a few bizarre story arcs for Diana since her creation, this post does not seem to be referring to any of the stories. Rather, CowardsWin seems offended by the idea that Diana can easily measure up to her male counterparts.

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With its rambling delivery, overt sexism ("equalizing her to male counterparts is crazy"), and lack of coherent thought, any legitimate point the post might have had gets lost in utter ridiculousness. The nonsensical nature of the opinion can best be summed up by a user in the comments asking the OP what language they are writing in.

1 She's Cold-Blooded

Sure, Wonder Woman has had some less-than-heroic moments, such as her polarizing portrayal in the unused NBC pilot and games such as Injustice. One user on Reddit named Leather_Mastodon_ however made the puzzling argument that Wonder Woman has always been a horrible person, labeling her as a "man hater' and "cold-blooded."

Confused commenters puzzled over just which comics the original poster had read to come to this conclusion, citing Wonder Woman's peace-loving and kind nature. Diana is known for being compassionate and valuing honesty, and her less scrupulous portrayals have always been more polarizing than not.

Next: Wonder Woman's 10 Funniest Comic Book Storylines

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