Harry Potter: 8 Ways Filius Flitwick Is The Best Hogwarts Professor

The Harry Potter series contains some of the most beloved characters in fiction. While Harry and his friends are the central focus of the series, the professors at Hogwarts, such as Dumbledore, Hagrid and McGonagall, are some of the most interesting and unique characters.

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One of the professors that is often overlooked, though, is Charms teacher and head of Ravenclaw, Filius Flitwick. Although he doesn't get much screen time in the movies, he often provides much-needed comic relief and plays a key role in defending the school during the Battle of Hogwarts.

One of the most useful spells in the Harry Potter series is Wingardium Leviosa, as it can float just about any object. The spell is taught to Harry and his friends during their first year at Hogwarts by Professor Flitwick.

He is encouraging of his students, even those like Seamus Finnegan, who can't seem to master the spell, and is particularly gleeful when Hermione achieves it. The spell becomes particularly useful when the Golden Trio is battling the mountain troll and Ron uses it in order to levitate the creature's club. Very few scenes are shown of Flitwick teaching, but this one shows just how encouraging and engaged he is with his class.

Flitwick also utilizes the Wingardium Leviosa charm himself, outside of the classroom. In one scene, he levitates baubles and trimmings onto a Christmas tree in the Great Hall.

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While Hagrid is also seen carrying Christmas trees into the castle, he is not a teacher at the time and is the Keeper of the Grounds and Keys. Despite his other teaching responsibilities, Flitwick still takes the time to decorate the Great Hall and presumably other parts of the castle. The Charms professor clearly has a love of Christmas and also takes glee in participating in the Yule Ball several years later.

A slightly more tongue-in-cheek reason Flitwick shouldn't be underestimated is his ability to change appearance without anyone seeming to notice. In the first two movies, Flitwick is shown as bald with a white beard. However, a change in directors led to a change in appearance for the character.

Although the character is still portrayed by Warwick Davis, he has darker hair, a mustache and appears much younger in the later movies. While this was simply a directorial decision, it is clear that the character is still Flitwick. The change is never addressed on screen, which suggests he's able to fly completely under the radar and supports the fact he's one of the most intelligent Harry Potter professors.

Flitwick is clearly multi-talented with Christmas decorations and Charms teaching not being his only responsibilities at Hogwarts. In the movies, the character's change in appearance also coincides with a new and previously unexplored love of music.

Flitwick is in charge of the Hogwarts Frog Choir, as can be seen at the beginning of Prisoner of Azkaban, and he conducts it on several occasions. In the later movies, Flitwick is seen several times with the choir, suggesting he has dual teaching responsibilities. In Half Blood Prince, he is also one of the teachers helping security with their checks, which shows just how committed he is to the school and his role there.

Flitwick uses his love of Christmas and his musical talent in order to help with the Yule Ball in Goblet of Fire. That said, he also gets involved when the Weird Sisters play on stage. Although his participation here is reluctant and appears to be out of obligation rather than choice, he is happy to go along with students' fun.

In one scene when the Weird Sisters are playing, Flitwick is shown crowd surfing across the dancing students, showing he is one of the most underrated professors in Harry Potter. While he does look terrified to be passed through the crowd, this shows that he has a sense of humor and delights in the students' excitement.

In Order of the Phoenix, Umbridge takes control of Hogwarts and, in the process, sacks Professor Trelawney and also threatens and assaults several of the students. During her time at Hogwarts, Umbridge inspects many of the teachers, including one of Flitwick's choir practices, where she cruelly measures his height.

Towards the end of the movie, the Weasley twins interrupt exams and terrorize Umbridge with fireworks and other pranks. When the twins flee the school on brooms, Flitwick is seen in the crowd discretely celebrating Umbridge's downfall. His celebration of her humiliation clearly shows where his allegiances lie: with Dumbledore.

Although it isn't touched upon in the movies, book fans will know that Flitwick is a highly skilled duelist. While his role in the movies as both Charms professor and choir conductor show he is multi-talented, the books explore this even further.

Flitwick is able to defeat Dolohov in a duel, which shows he is one of the most powerful Hogwarts professors. He also shows his skills as a duelist during the Battle of Hogwarts when he fights alongside his colleagues and students. Flitwick, as a character, is often used for comic relief, but he is also a very powerful wizard who is not to be underestimated.

Flitwick protects Hogwarts on multiple occasions in both the books and movies. In the first movie, many of the teachers use their unique talents to protect the Philosopher's Stone, including Flitwick. His flying key task is actually one of the most difficult, which shows how committed he is to Dumbledore and protecting the stone from Voldemort.

At the battle of Hogwarts, he also helps McGonagall, Mrs. Weasley and Slughorn to protect the school by building a shield of defensive spells around the castle. Ultimately, Flitwick's loyalty always lies with Dumbledore, Hogwarts and his students.

NEXT: Every Harry Potter Spell Used In The Movies And Books

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