Super Mario: Who Is The Strongest Koopaling? | ScreenRant

Koopas are some of the most enduring and recognizable enemies in any Mario game. They might not be necessarily evil, but they certainly are nuisances that all players have to deal with constantly. The perpetual antagonist of the franchise, Bowser, is their King, and he has several underlings working for him.

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Some of these minions have won considerable fame through the years. Known as the "Koopalings," this lot has a unique set of abilities in all their appearances. And while none of them quite matches the threat that is Bowser, they are all worthy enemies in their own right, even if only one can claim to be the best of the bunch.

8 Honorable Mention: Bowser Jr.

For obvious reasons, Bowser Jr. doesn't really count as a member of the Koopalings. However, he is closely related to them, and they act as his minions in several games. Still, despite his place of honor above the Koopalings, Bowser Jr. isn't necessarily stronger than them.

In most of his appearances as a playable character, including the latest Super Mario 3D World, Bowser Jr. isn't particularly versatile. Furthermore, he suffers from a lack of diverse attacks and is mainly sticks to using his clown car. Bowser Jr. is also considerably less intelligent than some of the other Koopalings.

7 Larry

Larry's electric blue "hair" makes him instantly pop out. Unlike his siblings, Larry is somewhat vain and takes excellent care of his hair, styling it to resemble a cockscomb. He is also quite short-tempered and often throws tantrums before actually battling Mario.

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Acting as the first Koopaling Mario fights in several appearances, Larry is mostly an easy challenge. He also lacks versatility and mostly sticks to generating fireballs to attack. Super Mario Bros. U shakes things up a bit by giving him the ability to conjure water geysers, and Super Mario World allows him to fire Padoboos at Mario. Still, Larry remains the most unimpressive of the Koopalings, generally speaking.

6 Lemmy

Lemmy Koopa is arguably the most distinctive of the male Koopalings, thanks to his multicolored mohawk, crossed eyes, and the yellow ball he balances on in most of his appearances. Fans consider Lemmy as the most childish of all the Koopalings and also the most unreliable.

Throughout the best Super Mario games, Lemmy mainly has ball-related abilities, and he summons them into the stage by using his wand. The balls don't disappear and instead act as obstacles for Mario to overcome. They can be a nuisance, but they are never particularly hard to avoid. New Super Mario Bros 2 makes things more difficult by making his stage a conveyor belt, and New Super Mario Bros. U takes away his wand and replaces it with multiple bombs. Despite these changes, Lemmy is usually the easiest Koopaling to beat.

5 Morton

Morton is proud to be "more brawn than brains." However, he also seems to have a business of his own because advertisements in many of Mario Kart 8's best courses portray his face next to building sites for "Morton's Construction."

Morton is famous for flexing his muscles and flaunting his strength. He can cause severe damage by crushing his foes and can even provoke devastating earthquakes, although this ability isn't exclusive. Morton doesn't use as much magic as his siblings, although he occasionally uses his wand to summon Pokey segments. Morton's strength also makes him slow, and he even has trouble standing up if forced onto his back.

4 Wendy

Wendy is the sole female Koopaling. She exhibits some stereotypically negative "female" attributes, like desiring wealth, prestige, and jewels. She's also the most spoiled of the Koopalings and even considers herself Bowser's favorite. Sometimes, Wendy exhibits affection towards Mario, causing a long-lasting rivalry with Peach.

Out of all the Koopalings, Wendy has the most distinctive set of abilities. In Super Mario Bros. 3 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, she summons her trademark candy rings, which float around the field, colliding with each other and the walls and floor, harming Mario if they touch him. She'll even create exact replicas of herself at times, although they end up being Spinies in disguise.

3 Iggy

Iggy is the most infamous of the Koopalings. Known for his trademark green hair and crazed eyes, Nintendo often portrays Iggy as insane and frivolous. He has eccentric hobbies, like keeping a Chain Chomp, one of Mario's toughest foes, as a pet. Several versions depict Iggy as being physically unable to stop talking or moving.

As the fastest of the Koopalings, Iggy can pose quite a challenge. For example, in Super Mario Bros. 3, he fires several spells simultaneously, unlike his siblings, who usually shoot only one. His blasts are also the most chaotic, causing all manner of effects if they hit Mario. In New Super Mario Bros. U, Iggy can walk on the ceilings, reinforcing the idea of him as a living tornado.

2 Roy

A bully to the tee, Roy is the most aggressive of the Koopalings. He favors direct attacks and brutality over carefully laid plans, although he occasionally employs dirty tactics to win. Roy also likes looking "cool," although he is prone to fits of anger and violence.

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In terms of physical strength, Roy is arguably the superior Koopaling. He can jump the highest, using Ground Pounds to cause massive tremors. The games often depict him climbing towards the ceiling and dropping down, crushing the Mario bros. Super Mario Maker 2 also gave him the unique ability to dig and come out on opposite ends of the room and even the ceiling, cementing his place as one of the most challenging Koopalings to beat.

1 Ludwig

As the self-proclaimed leader of the Koopalings, Ludwig is perhaps the most notorious of the siblings. He does hold an important place among Bowser's ranks, at times even reporting directly to him. Ludwig is an obnoxious show-off in most of his appearances, known for his wild blue hair and one-toothed overbite.

Super Mario games depict Ludwig as the most talented and challenging of the Koopalings and the most acrobatic. In a way, he combines all the best moves from his siblings. He can float, shoot several attacks at once, retreat into his shell at will, spin around to become a living tornado and create duplicates of himself. Ludwig often acts as the last Koopaling that Mario fights, confirming he is the best of them all.

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