Gilmore Girls: The 10 Most Profound Quotes, According To Reddit

Whether Luke is complaining about cellphones or Lorelai is joking about her love for coffee, the dialogue on Gilmore Girls is famous for being hilarious (and delivered at warp speed). But even though this is a funny series that takes a lighthearted look at the ups and downs of a mother and daughter's lives, there are many intelligent, clever quotes that have a lot of meaning behind them.

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Reddit fans have found some wise and memorable Gilmore Girls quotes that can inspire viewers, from Richard learning more about the impact that Lorelai has made on Stars Hollow to Logan encouraging Rory to live a bit more. These quotes show how moving and emotional this show can be.

10 Richard Realizing Lorelai's Amazing Stars Hollow Life

"It takes a remarkable person to inspire all of this."

Fan opinion on season 7 of Gilmore Girls varies as some appreciate some episodes and others don't like it very much. Lorelai shares a sweet, moving scene with Emily and Richard at Rory's goodbye party.

Richard tells Lorelai that she's an amazing person since she has so many people who love her and support her. Reddit user teatimeinparis loves Richard's quote and said, "I have it framed in the entrance of my apartment, I try to live by it." It's so powerful that Richard realizes that he needs to tell Lorelai out loud that he's proud of her. He can tell that she has put a lot of energy and effort into her life.

9 Lorelai And Rory Finally Reconnect

"I love you, Mom." "Oh kid, you have no idea."

It's horrible watching Rory and Lorelai stop talking to each other, even though it does seem like of course they have to reunite at some point. One Redditor loves when Rory and Lorelai finally repair their relationship in the season 6 episode "The Prodigal Daughter Returns." Rory says that she loves Lorelai, who replies, "Oh, kid, you have no idea."

Lorelai's quote is one of the most profound from the entire series as she has tried so hard to make Rory's life wonderful and she knows that she has made mistakes, but that hasn't stopped the love and compassion that she has for her daughter. Rory and Lorelai realize in this moment that they will never stop speaking again as no matter what happens, they can get through it together.

8 Logan's Advice To Rory About The Life And Death Brigade

"That was a once in a lifetime experience!" "Only if you want it to be."

One Redditor said that they love the scene when Rory tells Logan that jumping during the Life and Death Brigade performance was "a once in a lifetime experience." The fan loves Logan's response, writing, "That really inspires me."

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This is a huge moment for Rory as she's realizing that Logan fascinates her and even though she's a bit worried about his wild lifestyle, she wonders if she could fall for him and have a life full of adventures. She's less concerned than she thought she would be, as she learns that taking a risk is fun.

7 Lorelai Comments That Chilton Is Less Intimidating

"Wait wait, look around for a second. You notice? It's not so scary anymore."

From the Gilmore Girls episode "The Lorelais' First Day At Chilton," it's tough to imagine that Rory and Loreali will feel comfortable within this fancy private school's walls. But that's exactly what happens during Rory's graduation.

Reddit user __MarcusAurelius__ loves when Lorelai tells Rory that there's no reason to be afraid of Chilton anymore, writing, "That one is pretty much my life motto." Lorelai realizes that there's nothing to be afraid of because Rory has gotten good grades, made valedictorian, and is off to Yale. Rory has also learned a ton about herself and who she does and doesn't want to be.

6 Rory's Response To Paris About Money

"I don't want my change. Money makes people shallow."

In a Reddit thread about "brilliant Rory one-liners," Reddit user Letummorde loves when Rory is buying two tickets for the Chilton dance in season 1 and Paris tells Rory that she'll give her change later. Rory realizes that she doesn't want to talk to Paris anymore and makes an intelligent, funny comment about money and superficiality.

While this is a funny and clever moment between the two characters who aren't friends yet, it also has a greater meaning, as Paris is jealous that Tristan just asked Rory to go to the dance with him. Rory is quickly realizing that while she's getting a great education at Chilton, the social scene is tougher than she thought and she just wants to focus on school, Dean, and not getting in anyone's way.

5 Lorelai Makes A Profound Statement About Her And Rory's Road Trip

"We're almost there, but nowhere near it. All that matters is that we're going."

Reddit user Sassy_Severus_Snape loves the moment in the season 2 episode "The Road Trip To Harvard" when Lorelai talks about her and Rory's destination.

This is definitely a smart quote that has a much deeper meaning. While Lorelai seems to be driving aimlessly with no real plan in mind, it's important to her that she gets away from Stars Hollow and works through her feelings about canceling her wedding, even if she can't bring herself to talk to Rory about it yet.

4 Lorelai Joking About Her Good Looks

"Maybe I was just as beautiful yesterday, only I lacked the self-esteem to recognize it."

One Redditor loves the scene when Lorelai is talking to Rory about her physical appearance, asking if she's prettier today than she was yesterday. The fan wrote that this quote is "funny and sweet."

While Lorelai is known for turning every topic into a joke and she's definitely being funny here, she does have something interesting and profound to say about self-confidence. It's meaningful that she brings up self-esteem, as many fans would agree that Lorelai is inspiring since she likes who she is and doesn't ever pretend to be someone else.

3 Dean Tells Rory He's An Outsider Now

"I don't belong here. Not anymore."

For many Gilmore Girls fans, Rory and Dean have a wonderful high school relationship that is totally ruined when they get back together in seasons 4 and 5. But even though Rory is trying hard to make things work a second time, Dean realizes that he has nothing in common with Rory now. Reddit user Phanes_Protogonos likes when Dean says "I don't belong here. Not anymore."

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Sometimes two people just aren't meant to be and no one is at fault, which is definitely the case here. While Rory can feel that something is off with Dean, she's scared to say it out loud, and Dean takes a risk and says that it's time for them to let each other go.

2 Lorelai Seeing A Parallel Between Her And Rory

“You didn’t lose her like you lost me. She was never supposed to be there in the first place; she was always supposed to be at school. She just went back where she belonged. And you didn’t lose me.”

There are many full circle moments in Gilmore Girls as the characters often act the same way or see that their lives are parallel.

Reddit user ottgg likes the scene when Lorelai talks to Emily about Emily's sadness over Rory moving out of her house and going back to Yale. While many Gilmore Girls quotes are humorous, this one is serious and wise, as Lorelai helps Emily see that they're in each other's lives and they found their way back to each other, despite the fact that Lorelai left after becoming pregnant with Rory.

1 Logan Shares His Wisdom About Taking Risks

"People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it's one less minute you haven't lived."

There's a lot that attracts Rory to Logan, and most of all, it seems that she likes how brave he can be. Reddit user 1NovaScoatian enjoys Logan's speech to Rory about risk taking as part of the Life and Death Brigade.

Of course, Logan's bold personality creates some problems in his relationship with Rory, but at this point in the show, Rory likes picturing herself as a different, more adventurous person, and she believes that continuing to spend time with Logan will get her there.

NEXT: 10 Reasons Why Gilmore Girls Fans Are Team Logan, According To Reddit

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