King Richard: The 9 Best Characters, Ranked By Likability

Like many sports dramas, King Richard tells the classic story of likable underdogs trying to defy the odds that are stacked against them. As the Williams sisters work hard to establish themselves in the tennis world, they encounter unlikable, short-sighted people who dismiss them and some charming, kind allies who aid them on their journey.

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While the Williams sisters are unsurprisingly among the most appealing characters in the film because of their strength of character and strong work ethic, most of the unsavory characters are those who are entrenched in the system and cannot envision the sisters becoming part of the sport.

9 Will Hodges

On paper, Will Hodges might seem like an interesting character, as he approaches Richard with a generous offer to help train the girls and advance their careers. But underneath the offer is arrogance and closed-mindedness.

In the meeting with Richard, it becomes clear that Will and his partner look down on the Williams family. Richard rejects the offers and Will misses out on two of the greatest tennis players of all time. He is a pompous and condescending character who comes off as incredibly repulsive.

8 Arantxa Sánchez Vicario

Like all the best sports movies, King Richard builds to a climactic match between the underdog, Venus, and the favorite, Arantxa Sánchez Vicario. Though she only has a small part in the film, she plays a crucial role as the villain in Venus' first tournament as a pro.

When Venus is winning the match, Vicario is demonstrably frustrated, stomping and pouting on the court. Vicario then makes the off-putting move to use a loophole in the rules to stop play and throw Venus off her game, allowing Vicario to win the match. Despite her limited screen time, she comes off as whiny and classless.

7 Paul Cohen

Although Paul Cohen is initially hesitant to watch the Williams sisters play, Richard is eventually able to convince him to work with them. However, he still overlooks Serena and only agrees to coach Venus.

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While he does provide some help and guidance to Venus' career, he does not understand or respect Richard's long-term vision for Venus and pushes him to follow the established path. Paul is a nice enough guy, but his unwillingness to budge on the direction that Venus should go ultimately puts him at odds with the Williams family and leads to his firing.

6 Richard Williams

Complex and nuanced, Richard Williams is one of Will Smith's best roles. The character has plenty of likable qualities such as his love for his family, his incredible ambition, and the immense sacrifices that he is willing to make to set up his daughters for success.

However, Richard can also be a very stubborn and difficult person. He tends to grate on the people around him, often annoying and frustrating the other coaches, parents, and even his own family. He means well and is willing to do whatever it takes for Venus and Serena to succeed, even if it means ruffling some feathers along the way.

5 The Other Williams Sisters

While the movie mostly focuses on Venus and Serena, their other sisters do appear in minor supporting roles, usually shown all together as a group. They are a loud, energetic, and fun squad that clearly enjoys spending time together.

They are some of the most intelligent characters in the movie and are each at the top of their class in school, with Tunde graduating as her class valedictorian. Though they do not get a lot of screen time to fully show their personalities, the sisters are smart, fun, and loving characters that support Venus and Serena.

4 Serena Williams

Although she will eventually go on to become arguably the greatest women's tennis player ever, Serena Williams grows up in her sister's shadow, often going overlooked by coaches and scouts. Rather than allowing this to discourage her, she uses it as motivation to work even harder.

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Even when everyone else is focusing on Venus, she so believes in herself that she secretly signs up and competes in tournaments on her own. Even though she is angry and frustrated that her sister gets the spotlight before she does, she still continually supports Venus.

3 Brandy Price

As the name suggests, King Richard is mostly centered around Richard's efforts to manifest the future he envisions for his daughters. However, part of what makes the film a great feel-good movie is the family's united focus and sacrifice. As part of this, Brandy reminds Richard that she has contributed just as much as he has.

She was willing to carry the burden of financially providing for the family while he worked with the girls. She also takes a hands-on role in their development, coaching Serena when Paul Cohen would not take her on. She is a great mother who loves her family and believes in Richard more than he believes in himself.

2 Rick Macci

When all the other coaches are either overlooking the Williams sisters or trying to use them in a short-sighted way, Rick Macci sees the girls' potential and is willing to spend years investing in them, knowing that they can become great.

He is positive, energetic, and supportive. He has a great relationship with Venus, and she even feels more comfortable talking to him about her career than she does talking to her dad. Even if the decisions that the Williams family makes do not make sense to him, like pulling Venus out of tournaments or turning down Nike's offer, he remains encouraging and supportive.

1 Venus Williams

At the heart of the movie is Venus' journey to becoming a trailblazer and role model to millions. Despite the immense pressure that is put on her shoulders, Venus rises to the occasion and comports herself with poise and integrity.

She is a hard-working, talented, and passionate kid who cares deeply about her family. Venus never lets her talent go to her head and she walks the fine line of being confident without being cocky. She believes in herself and the audience cannot help but like her and root for her to succeed.

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