Pokétoon: 10 Concepts That Should Be Added To Pokémon Games

Longtime fans of the Pokémon franchise have been delighted by their newest animated endeavor, Pokétoon. This series of animated shorts are unique in that they are outsourced to various animation studios, who are free to play around with Pokémon concepts as they wish and utilize different animation styles to produce their shorts.

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This has resulted in some fairly sweet and enchanting episodes that also bring about a new sense of magic to the franchise. Various ideas that are explored in these shorts such as lessons on different cultures, conservation, and old age would be quite popular if implemented into the mainstream Pokémon games.

10 Earning Companionship

In this episode, a young boy seeks the help of a Pancham who's become somewhat of a local hero. Everyone knows this Pancham is a very special Pokémon, but the critter refuses to engage with humans because he lives by his own rules.

The main games already explore themes of trust and friendship with Pokémon's unique evolutionary methods (i.e. Espeon and Umbreon), but it would certainly add a new challenge to the games if players had to earn the trust of certain creatures. Longtime fans in particular have been hoping for the series to become more challenging and this addition would satisfy that request.

9 Making Music

This episode is especially magical as it is completely wordless, yet full of sound. A little boy befriends a Magikarp and the two bond over their love for creating music, but as they're separated, Magikarp goes on a journey to find its new friend by following the sound of his flute.

Many Pokémon, such as Toxtricity and Rillaboom, are already musical in nature, so a Pokémon music spin-off game isn't out of the realm of possibility. Perhaps it could take on a similar nature to the Parappa rhythm games, or even be a GameFreak licensed audio software. This would employ a different gameplay technique, relying solely on sound to capture Pocket Monsters, while still retaining the same look and feel of classic Pokémon games.

8 Pokémon "Cultures"

Pokétoon seems to be exploring what goes on in the world of Pokémon when both humans and monsters aren't training constantly. As such, all kinds of Pokémon are shown in all kinds of situations, interacting with both humans and each other in ways that the games haven't ever shown.

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This could potentially pave the way for games to explore what various Pokémon "cultures" are. For instance, how are city-living Pokémon different from rural Pokémon? And how do they socialize with one another when humans aren't around? It would definitely be a new and refreshing concept to play around with and allow gamers to delve deeper into the Pokémon mythos.

7 Homekeeping

Tucked away in snowy mountains, this episode follows a family who relies on their Pokémon to help them take care of their home. The tougher Pokémon chop wood, while the fire Pokémon keep things warm - such as Slugma, dutifully tending to the house's furnace.

Pokémon is already a pretty cozy series, so why not combine it with the fundamentals of other relaxing games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley? A Pokémon homestead game could be a truly relaxing and addicting time-sink, and full of opportunities as adorable as Slugma furnaces.

6 Poke-Shifting

In quite a spooky episode, one little girl gets separated from her friends while exploring their school after-hours. In doing so, she accidentally steps into the world of Ghost Pokémon, and ends up turning into a Gengar!

While Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, the franchise's best spin-off game, has already toyed with the concept of humans turning into Pokémon, it did so within the confines of a world where humans and Pokémon didn't really interact with one another. It would be interesting to see a game where a player could learn how to turn into various Pokémon and learn how to interact with them by spending time with them.

5 Different Origins

Most Pokémon games start much the same: the player begins in a predetermined village and follows a predetermined path to greatness. But what if players were allowed to decide the finer details of who they were within the world, and how their journey would therefore begin?

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The popular RPG Dragon Age: Origins already explored this concept of a chosen beginning, and it was so massively successful with fans, many still consider it to be the best game in its franchise. It might therefore behoove the Pokémon series to follow in a similar vein, which would make for a fuller world for players to explore and feel like a part of.

4 Generations

The "Nidoran" episode kicks off with the protagonist little girl wanting to follow in her parents' footsteps, and become a master Pokémon trainer. It's a sweet concept that invites longtime fans to wonder just what kind of legacy their game protagonists leave behind.

Perhaps future games could go down a similar path as The Sims, and let players follow a continuing story as various Pokémon trainers. The roleplaying potential here is high, with all kinds of combinations and legacies to explore - such as families of gym leaders, breeders, or even champions.

3 Pokémon As Protagonists

In the quirkiest episode thus far, no humans are to be seen as two cute, yet dangerous Pokémon get up to some mischief on a train. A Scrafty and Mimikyuu engage in some old-cartoon-style brawling as they fight over their territory, resulting in some truly adorable antics.

Again, Mystery Dungeon has already explored a world entirely made up of Pokémon, but it would be fun for players to play as the monsters in a world filled with humans. They could be thieves, totally wild, or even a dutiful companion to a new trainer. It would certainly be a novel flip to the traditional Pokémon narrative!

2 Aging Pokémon

In the "Nidoran" episode, viewers see baby Pokémon, mature Pokémon, and even elderly Pokémon. This is somewhat unique to the series since the games never really explore how Pokemon age, and what they might look like at various ages.

There's a lot of potential here for quality-of-life improvements in Pokémon. Not only could age mechanics change how Pokémon look during various stages in their lives, but they could also affect their stats, too. Older Pokémon could be more skilled, but slower, while younger Pokémon could be faster but weaker.

1 Conservation

The Pokémon franchise has always touched on themes of environmentalism and conservation, and this particular episode really leans into this. Three budding climate experts figure out why a Snorunt has appeared in their temperate home, and decide to do something about it.

Since the games, at their core, are marketed towards children, a game with a heavy focus on learning about the environment could prove to be an excellent educational opportunity. By learning about climate change and protecting the planet via cute little monsters, kids might become more invested in environmentalism.

NEXT: 8 Ways Legends Arceus Could Change The Future Of Pokémon

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