Blade Trilogy: 10 Best Quotes | Screen Rant

Content Warning: This article contains plot spoilers for the Blade trilogy.

The Blade trilogy is considered a classic at this point, with its unforgettable action sequences, badass characters, and of course, memorable quotes. These unforgettable lines don’t always come from Blade himself, as some of the supporting characters and villains have said remarkable things over the course of the movies.

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The best quotes from the films often underscore the ongoing conflict between humans, vampires, and those in-between. These lines are usually said during tense moments and they highlight the characters' personalities and motivations. With a new Blade movie about to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s the perfect time to look back at some of the most iconic quotes from the original trilogy.

The Daywalker is usually at the center of the best fights in the Blade trilogy, even when it involves goons and Familiars like Officer Krieger. After Karen makes a mistake that leads to the Familiar getting away, Blade is forced to wait in his car with her.

Karen asks Blade how he knows the Familiar will return for the blood in his car, stating that “nobody’s that stupid.” Blade replies with a backhanded insult, as he understands that vampires and Familiars are not as capable as people may think. He’s proven right when Krieger predictably runs towards his car and leads them right to Frost’s HQ.

Frost’s chilling monologue is the perfect buildup for one of the best action sequences in the Blade trilogy. He explains what the "blood god" (also known as La Magra) is meant to do right before Blade bursts into the HQ and ruins his plans.

According to Frost, the La Magra is an ancient being and an “act of God.” He compares the blood god to a hurricane that can instantly turn anyone in his path. That power could’ve been the key Frost needed for his quest for total domination over the humans, but thankfully, Blade never lets that happen.

Fans of the trilogy know that Blade always has some epic and unforgettable one-liners right before he defeats the major villains. The first time viewers see this is in his fight against Frost who has become the embodiment of the blood god.

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La Magra, unfortunately, retains Frost’s arrogance, so he isn’t bothered when Blade retrieves his serum. It turns out that the serum is actually the EDTA that makes vampires’ heads explode. Fans paying close attention to the film likely figured out why Blade was smiling as insulted Frost one last time, comparing his senseless ambitions to ice skating uphill.

As a pureblood and Damaskinos’ daughter, Nyssa often looks down on others and considers her ideals as superior. This is emphasized in her scene with Blade, as she accidentally catches him injecting himself with a serum to suppress the thirst.

She insults the Daywalker who she believes to be weak for protecting humanity instead of using his abilities to advance the vampire race. By saying that she’s made peace with what she is, she implies that Blade is simply denying his identity as a vampire. Her beliefs are shattered later in the film, though, when she realizes her own father has tricked and betrayed her for the sake of his legacy.

Scud will hopefully appear as a supporting character in Marvel’s Blade, as he’s responsible for providing comic relief and a shocking plot twist in the second movie. When Whistler tells him his idea about making a “UV flash-bang grenade or something” has been attempted before, he arrogantly brushes it off by implying it’ll work if he tries it.

He’s unsurprisingly able to pull it off and create the technologically advanced weapon against vampires. If he only applied the same ingeniousness to his personal decisions, maybe things wouldn’t have ended the way they did.

Although Nomak starts out as a terrifying villain in the second movie, it’s revealed that he’s just another victim of Eli’s misguided attempts at creating a superior vampire race. Fans get a satisfying moment between father and son towards the end of the film after Nyssa helps Nomak corner Eli.

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Eli’s desperate last move is to convince Nomak that they can rule the vampires together, persuading him to take his rightful seat by his side. Nomak has been through and seen too much to believe this nonsense, though, and he gives Eli the gruesome ending he deserves.

Blade isn’t the type to make friends everywhere he goes, which is partly why Whistler is such an important person in his life. As his friend, supporter, and father figure, Whistler goes beyond simply making cool new weapons for him.

Whistler gives Blade some serious advice in a moving scene right before the disastrous infiltration of their hideout. When Whistler tries to warn the Daywalker about the “P.R. campaign” against him, he gets frustrated when Blade shrugs it off and calls him an “old man.” Instead of getting angrier, Whistler apologizes for getting old and says a tear-jerking line about Blade being alone in the midst of enemies.

One of the best elements from the comics in Blade is the group of Nightstalkers, with Abigail and Hannibal at their center. When Hannibal’s not making crass jokes and annoying Blade, he can actually be a talented fighter and intelligent researcher.

It’s somehow both hilarious and terrifying to hear him explain Dracula’s origin and how he’s the “patriarch of hominis nocturna.” According to him, the stories in novels, comic books, movies, and more all talk about the same person at their core, and the vampires have found a way to bring him back.

As the first-ever vampire in existence, there’s no telling how much damage Dracula has done when he was still awake and hunting thousands of years ago. Although he receives the unintimidating name of Drake in the modern age, there’s no denying that’s he’s still a frightening creature.

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He’s proud of the human lives he’s taken and brags about it to an enamored Danica. Watching him morph into his true form towards the end of the third film highlights how he likely could “kill them all” if no one was around to stop him.

Blade and Abigail find an important but mysterious structure that belongs to the vampires, so they do what they do best and threaten the unlucky Familiar assigned to guard it. The Familiar doesn’t budge at first, as he’s terrified that “they’ll kill” him, referring to his masters.

He quickly realizes his mistake when his response enrages Blade who is running out of patience. The Daywalker’s menacing threat about killing him right then and there grants them access to a chilling “blood farming facility.” It’s what Blade refers to as the “vampire final solution,” which would eliminate the need for “hunting humans on a piecemeal basis.”

NEXT: 5 Reasons The Blade MCU Reboot Should Be Rated R (& 5 It Should Stay PG-13)

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