Hogwarts Houses Of Rocky Horror Picture Show Characters

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a timeless cult classic. It features catchy musical numbers and phenomenal performances, particularly from Tim Curry, who plays Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Frank-N-Furter and the other main characters such as Brad, Janet, and even Riff Raff have strong personalities, giving each character their moment in the film.

Related: MBTI Of Rocky Horror Picture Show Characters

The Harry Potter franchise has too big of a following to earn cult status, but it is still on track to become a timeless classic. One aspect of the franchise and the world of Harry Potter that will be especially timeless is the idea of sorting people, and characters, into the Hogwarts houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. These are classified by different personality traits held or valued by the members of the houses.

The strong personalities of the characters in The Rocky Horror Picture Show reflect the four houses and allow them to be sorted. Here are all of the characters from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, sorted into their Hogwarts houses.

10 Eddie: Hufflepuff

Eddie had a troubled past which, according to stereotypes, would put him in the Slytherin house. However, he is a Hufflepuff through and through. He exhibited loyalty to both Columbia, his current partner, and Frank-N-Furter, his ex-partner, by arriving at Frank's laboratory.

Hufflepuffs are incredibly loyal. Eddie exhibited physical attraction only to Columbia, even though he also danced and flirted with others. He was still most interested in Columbia. He was also loyal to Frank, as Eddie trusted he would be safe under the scientist's roof, which, unfortunately, was misplaced trust.

9 The Criminologist: Ravenclaw

Ravenclaws value wisdom and learning, not necessarily intelligence on its own. The Criminologist is the character who tells the story of Brad and Janet and their time in the castle. He has the benefit of hindsight, allowing the Criminologist to apply his wisdom to determine what Brad, Janet, and Dr. Scott may have learned from the events.

Also, the Criminologist is shown in his study, filled with books, globes, and other educational material. He is sometimes shown as interacting with the books and globes while discussing the events, which is quintessentially Ravenclaw.

8 Dr. Everett V. Scott: Ravenclaw

Dr. Everett Scott is another man who values learning. He acted as mentor and friend to Brad and, to a lesser extent, Janet while they were in school. He and Frank both implied on different occasions that Dr. Scott knew about the castle and its inhabitants, likely because of his connection to Eddie. How much he knew was uncertain and never specified.

Dr. Scott even shared his knowledge and wisdom with Brad and Janet while in the castle, in multiple attempts to convince the couple to leave. When Riff Raff and Columbia sought to kill Frank at the end of the film, he agreed with their decision because it would protect both the Transylvanians and the humans. It is flawed logic because it resulted in someone being killed, but it took critical thinking, something for which a Ravenclaw would be known.

7 Janet: Slytherin

Janet is a passive character throughout the film, but that does not mean that she is automatically disqualified from being sorted into the Slytherin house. She is a Slytherin because when she knows what she wants, she will do anything to get it.

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After she and Frank-N-Furter had sex, which was her first time with anyone, she realized she liked it and sought to have sex again. Surely, her ideal sexual partner would have been Brad, her fiance, but she caught him smoking with Frank in the bed, post-coital. She then had sex with Rocky, the next available, attractive, and consenting person she ran into. This was also likely a way for her to get back at Brad for having slept with Frank, even though she and Frank also did the same thing.

6 Brad: Gryffindor

Brad is one of the least masculine men in the film, aside from Riff Raff. There is nothing wrong with being less masculine or more masculine, but Brad seems to value masculinity, particularly in the context of a protector.

Throughout the film, Brad tries to protect or stand up for Janet fairly consistently, from trying to get her to stay in the car when fixing the tire, or speaking to Dr. Frank-N-Furter about using a phone. He also tries to intervene whenever conflict presents itself to Janet. This also presents as Brad's value of traditional gender roles. No Hogwarts house seems to have a particular stance on gender roles, but it just so happens that Brad's values align with traditional gender roles and Gryffindor's values.

5 Columbia: Hufflepuff

Columbia is incredibly loyal to her partners, past and present. In the case of the film, she is primarily loyal to Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a past partner, and Eddie, a current partner. Unfortunately for her and for Eddie, her loyalty to Eddie primarily manifested in grief for his passing at the hands of Frank. Her eventual revolt against Frank was also out of loyalty to Eddie, as the scientist treated Eddie and her poorly.

Columbia greatly admires Frank and his work. She stood by him, for the most part, even after he killed Eddie. Her revolt against her former partner mentioned above was only temporary, as she still was distraught when Riff Raff and Magenta killed Frank.

4 Magenta: Slytherin

Magenta is Riff Raff's sister and lover. Together, they conspire to kill Frank-N-Furter and take the castle, which is revealed to be a rocket ship, back to their home planet Transsexual in the galaxy of Transylvania. It is unclear who was the mastermind behind the plan as they are never explicitly shown as planning on screen.

Magenta seems like the person who would be behind such planning, though, which aligns her with the Slytherin trait of cunning. She also has a tendency to enjoy manipulating people's emotions, such as when everyone discovered Eddie's body under the dinner table.

3 Rocky: Hufflepuff

Because of his appearance, most people would likely sort Rocky into Gryffindor. However, he was constantly running away from situations and people and the castle out of fright. Rocky is another Hufflepuff because he remains loyal to the people he cares about.

Related: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Rocky Horror Picture Show

That said, who Rocky cares about and is loyal to changes fairly frequently due to Frank and others' mistreatment of him. However, even with the mistreatment and the jealousy, Rocky still grieves his creator's death and tries to escape with Frank's body, climbing to the top of a tower, similar to depictions of King Kong.

2 Riff Raff: Slytherin

Riff Raff is a Slytherin like his sister and lover Magenta. Unlike Magenta, who seems to align more with the cunning trait associated with Slytherins, Riff Raff aligns more with the trait of ambition.

He takes on the role of the leader in his partnership with Magenta when conspiring to kill Frank and go home. Furthermore, he is obsessed with the fact that the Transylvanians do not like him, meaning he is likely seeking approval and status from taking over Frank's project, killing him, and returning to Transsexual, where he and Magenta can take all of the credit for Frank's work.

1 Dr. Frank-N-Furter: Slytherin

Dr. Frank-N-Furter does seek knowledge, but only for his own gain, particularly pleasure. It is very clear that he has knowledge since he was able to create a being in his lab, but he does not have the wisdom to back up the knowledge, disqualifying his chances of being sorted into Ravenclaw.

Rocky was created for his own personal gain, and his other relationships were also seemingly only for his own pleasure; therefore, Frank has the Slytherin traits of both wit and cunning. Wit and cunning which were paired with Frank's own hubris led to his death at the end of the film.

Next: Rocky Horror: 5 Reasons Brad & Janet Are The Perfect Couple (& 5 Reasons They Should Break Up)

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