True Blood: 5 Couples That Are Perfect Together (& 5 That Make No Sense)

True Blood came into our lives during the vampire phenomenon that began in the 2000s. It was definitely considered the raciest of all of the vampire shows and films of that time, with its competition being the much tamer The Vampire Diaries and Twilight.

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But just like any great vampire story, there is romance and passion involved and True Blood had a way of making it quite steamy, too. With that came some of television's greatest couples, as well as some of the worst.

There were certain couples on True Blood that seemed absolutely perfect every time they were on screen together, while others left you puzzled about why they were together in the first place. Let's see if you agree with our assessment on the matter.

10 Perfect Together: Eric And Sookie

Eric was the bad boy of the vampire world Sookie found herself in and while she met him when she was with Bill, it was evident from day one they had an underlying attraction for one another that couldn't be ignored forever.

This was proven when they finally acted on their insane chemistry after years of dancing around it. The only bad part about it was the fact Eric had lost all of his memories at this point.

Eventually, they came back to him, and by then Sookie was still having conflicting feelings for Bill. They didn't make it, in the end, but even after their separation, Eric always looked out for Sookie and protected her. They were meant to be...even if they didn't see it.

9 Make No Sense: Alcide And Debbie

Alcide was the good guy werewolf and Debbie was his werewolf ex-girlfriend. When we met both of them, they were already apart and Debbie was constantly getting high on vampire blood while engaged to her new man.

It was clear that they were horrible together and were better off living separate lives. But unfortunately, the two weres got back together in season 4 of True Blood when Debbie got sober.

Even though she was now clean, she still had insane jealousy issues and also wanted kids, while Alcide did not. There was no way they were ever going to make it, so why get them back together in the first place?

8 Perfect Together: Jessica And Jason

Many True Blood fans thought that Sookie and Eric had the most sizzling chemistry of all of the couples on the show, which may be true, but another couple seriously gave them a run for their money. And that couple was Jessica and Jason.

On paper, they didn't make sense. But seeing them interact with the longing looks and the way they were always there for each other when others were not made it easy to see why they were going to end up together.

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At least, that's what we thought. Since Jason was Hoyt's best friend and Hoyt was Jessica's ex, it made their new relationship rather complicated. It didn't last forever, and while we had a brief moment of hope in the final season of the two getting back together, the writers went a different route…

7 Make No Sense: Jessica And Hoyt

Jessica and Hoyt started out as a sweet and beautiful couple. He didn't care that she was a vampire even though his own mother had a prejudice against them, but eventually, all of that changed, as did their strong relationship.

The fighting began and they began pulling away from one another, and by the time Jessica was seeing Jason, Hoyt was done with both of them for good. He asked her to glamour his memories of them both away forever.

But when he came back from Alaska in the final season and their paths crossed again, they ended up rekindling their relationship and even married each other before Bill died. They didn't work before, so why would they work now? That was the biggest question we all had when we saw them together again.

6 Perfect Together: Lafeyette And Jesus

The tragic end of Lafeyette and Jesus is one we're still not over, but their relationship prior to Lafeyette ending Jesus' life while possessed was extraordinary.

Jesus pushed Lafeyette to explore magic and the side of him that was a medium, which ironically helped Lafeyette see his boyfriend even in the afterlife.

Aside from the fact they were an amazing couple that brought the best out in each other, it was wonderful to see such a great representation of an LGBT relationship on a show as popular as True Blood. We only wish they had made it to the very end, still hand in hand.

5 Make No Sense: Jason And Sarah

Where to begin with this awful couple? There was so much about their courtship that was problematic that it is hard to even pick out the worst of it all.

Jason and Sarah's "relationship" actually began as an affair they were carrying on behind Steve Newlin's back. Sure, Steve and Sarah were never going to last for a multitude of reasons, but even so, an affair is never the way to go. Then there's the fact Sarah and Steve were both recruiting Jason for their anti-vampire church initiative.

Plus, Sarah clearly was using Jason, even when she came back into his life later. It was by far one of the unhealthiest relationships ever shown on the series.

4 Perfect Together: Arlene And Terry

Arlene and Terry were hands down the sweetest and best couple to ever grace True Blood. Arlene had a tough time finding the right man who would stay in her life, as well as her children's. And after everything that happened with Rene, she deserved someone who was truly good for her.

Enter Terry: the veteran cook at Merlotte's who always had his eye on Arlene. Once they started seeing each other, they definitely had some tough obstacles to overcome, such as Terry raising a baby that was Rene's and not his.

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But it was Terry's curse from his time in Iraq that became their undoing. Terry's life ended tragically because of it, but their love was a tale for the ages we aren't soon to forget.

3 Make No Sense: Arlene And Rene

Dating a serial killer is never what you want, and unfortunately for Arlene, she fell victim to this in the first season. She had been dating and become engaged to Rene -- or Drew Marshall, rather -- during the same time period that he was terrorizing Bon Temps.

He had a hatred for vampires and was taking the lives of those who had been intimate with one. This was why he was constantly attempting to end Sookie's life, for her relationship with Bill.

Arlene was a small-town woman who had enough trouble in her life that she didn't need to deal with the trauma of dating a man such as Rene. At least she found out the truth before it was too late.

2 Perfect Together: Tara And Pam

It was the relationship we never truly got to see flourish, but the brief moment in time where we saw the potential between these two vampires was enough to wish we had seen more.

Tara was Sookie's best friend who eventually got turned into a vampire by Pam. They didn't initially like each other, but once Tara saved Pam from the authority and even stepped in front of a silver bullet with U.V. light for Pam, everything changed.

Tara and Pam kissed after Tara's rescue of her maker, and while we didn't see much more happen between the two after that, we know if Tara hadn't met her end in the final season, the two would have made the perfect couple.

1 Make No Sense: Sookie And Her Husband

Sookie's relationships and who she would end up with was always one of the biggest questions of the series. Many wanted her to end up with Eric while others saw her and Bill as a better match. Hell, there was even Alcide who could have been a viable option for Sookie.

But instead, in the series finale, the writers decided to keep her husband's identity a total mystery. All we knew was that he was a complete stranger to us but had apparently married Sookie and the two were now expecting.

It felt like a slap in the face after all of the build-up we had of which supernatural man she would end up with. Not to mention, Sookie never seemed like someone to want the simple life, which was exactly what she ended up with after it all.

NEXT: True Blood: Eric Vs. Bill: Who Was Better For Sookie?

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